Page 38 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2024 - Online Magazine
P. 38


              The Encouraging,

              Creative, and


              Tanya Carder

              by Cade Franklin

                   here would an eight-year-
                   old get the idea that he
          Wcould start a shoe drive
           that, over ten years, would result in
           more than 2,700 pairs of shoes being
           collected and distributed to individuals
           in our community?  The answer
           might surprise you: It was Mrs. Tanya
           Carder’s Gifted and Talented class at
           North Ridge Elementary in 2013.

           Being in the GT program allowed
           me to be a part of a group of
           students who had a place to use our   was born. For me, having empathy   I got to attend the “Funkee Munkee
           skills, abilities, and talents through   and finding solutions to serve others   Imagination Camp” that Mrs. Carder
           a specialized curriculum. This     through my gifts and talents developed   offered.
           curriculum challenged our thinking   in large part because of Mrs. Carder's
           in ways traditional classroom study   mentorship.                     Seeing students connect, engage, and
           didn't. Our teacher, Mrs. Carder,                                     grow in their intelligent creativity
           always encouraged us to be mindful,   “Creativity is intelligence having   is something Mrs. Carder knew she
           to think critically, and to problem-  fun!” These words were colorfully   was passionate about at an early age.
           solve while considering the bigger   positioned on the wall in Mrs. Carder’s   Growing up in Hereford, Texas, she
           picture. She challenged us to see the   Gifted and Talented classroom, and   always loved playing school, (as the
           world uniquely while discovering   they flowed through her cheerful smile   teacher of course!), reading to younger
           innovative ways to solve problems. As   daily at North Ridge Elementary. I   children and even later teaching in
           we studied different cultures that year,   looked forward to the time I got to   Sunday School. Watching others
           I learned about the tragic situations   spend in Mrs. Carder’s class each   connect with the lessons she shared
           many children endure, and it broke   week, wondering what discoveries I   brought joy to her heart. She went
           my heart. Mrs. Carder encouraged   would make, which unknown skills   on with this passion in pursuit of her
           us to think of ways we could help   might begin to bud into existence,   degree at West Texas State University
           people in need in our community, and   where would our projects take me, and   (now West Texas A&M University) in
           that is how “Cade’s Soles for Souls”   how would my mind be challenged.   Canyon, Texas.
                                              Summers were just as exciting when

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