Page 36 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2024 - Online Magazine
P. 36

SENIOR RESOURCES                                                        SENIOR RESOURCES

         Many Lubbock Residents Have Chosen Their

          ELEctRicitY pRoViDERs                                     noW WHat?

         by Anna Delano, Lubbock Regional Manager, Reliant

                                 Residents enjoy the numerous benefits of choice

              pring marks new beginnings, and that is certainly   Lubbock residents shopped around and selected a Retail
              the case for Lubbock’s electricity market as it   Electric Provider (REP) and plan that fits their needs.
         Sundergoes its own transformation. Areas served       Service with their new provider will begin between
          by Lubbock Power & Light have nearly completed the   March 4 and April 1, depending on their meter read
          transition to a competitive retail electricity market. Many   date.

          Below is some information on what   letter to welcome new customers.  by February 15 were assigned to
          to expect.                         • Set up your online account.      one of three Default Retail Electric
                                             With some providers, you have      Providers (DREP), including Reliant.
          WHAT WILL CHANGE?                  the option to manage your account   Once you find out which DREP you
                                             electronically, either through their   were assigned to, you can complete
          • You will receive a monthly bill for   website or on their app, if they have   the tasks listed above.
          your electricity from your selected   one. For example, Reliant customers
          provider.                          can manage their account, monitor   ABOUT RELIANT
          • Providers will provide customer   their usage, or pay their bill — all
          service.                           through the best-in-class Reliant   Reliant is the electricity provider
                                             app. They also have the ability to   Texans trust, committed to
          WHAT WILL STAY THE SAME?           directly integrate their electricity   powering and supporting people
                                             plan with their smart thermostat,   and communities for decades.
          • LP&L will continue to maintain   allowing customers to adjust the   Reliant has a local team in Lubbock,
          the transmission and distribution   temperature in their home or      dedicated to serving the public and
          infrastructure (poles and wires) that   participate in energy efficiency   educating consumers about their
          delivers your power.               programs.                          new options. For more information,
          • You will continue to receive a   • If you have any questions,       visit PUCT
          bill from City of Lubbock Utilities   reach out to your provider.     Certificate #10007.
          for other services like water,     Reliant customers have access to
          wastewater, stormwater, and solid   outstanding customer service,     ABOUT THE AUTHOR
          waste.                             available 24/7 via live phone
                                             support, online chat or on the     Anna Delano is the Lubbock
          WHAT SHOULD I DO NEXT              Reliant app.                       Regional Manager for Reliant. She’s
          IF I ALREADY CHOSE AN                                                 a two-time Texas Tech grad, former
          ELECTRICITY PROVIDER?              WHAT SHOULD I DO IF I              Texas Tech employee, and a true
                                             HAVEN’T MADE A CHOICE YET?         local who is helping Reliant serve
          • Review your welcome                                                 the Lubbock community.
          materials. Many providers send an   Lubbock residential customers
          introductory email or even mail a   who did not choose a provider

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