Page 35 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2024 - Online Magazine
P. 35

SENIOR RESOURCES                                                          SENIOR RESOURCES


          My Dear!                                  by: Gayle Willson

                 ur office enjoys patients    I am, he got a new television for   Please
                 from all walks of life. We   Christmas, with Bluetooth (that can   call us
         Ohave those who come in              be connected to the Bluetooth in    today
          for a hearing evaluation; we have   his hearing device), along with an   for a FREE screening of your hearing
          newborns, who sleep through their   adapter that can also direct sound   and a FREE inspection of your ear
          tests. We have sons and daughters   directly into his ears via Bluetooth.   canals. We are second-generation
          who are faithful to bring their parents   Blair also enjoys having a telephone   hearing specialists, serving the
          in; and we have caregivers who are   conversation directly in his ears, and   South Plains for 48 years. We are
          loyal and kind to get their friends in   he can control the quality of sounds   a WAMPLER LEGACY in this
          for hearing health needs. Many times,   in a restaurant through the app on   area, and it is not uncommon for a
          hearing loss is recognized from a TV   his smartphone.                  new patient to tell me that my dad
          being turned up too loud. At other                                      serviced their hearing aids or tested
          times, it is noticed when a person   All this technology is available, even   their hearing. What a blessing to
          continually asks for someone to     in entry-level hearing aids.  Many   carry on this tradition to you.
          repeat a statement for clarity.     have expressed to us that they cannot
                                              afford expensive
          In some cases, a person comes in for   devices that have
          a free ear canal inspection because   all the “bells and
          they suspect an object is stuck in   whistles.” In many
          their ear or maybe a buildup of wax.   cases, a Medicare
          We can help you with wax removal    supplement with
          or recommend a doctor’s office for   hearing aid benefits
          further evaluation. We see patients   will provide all
          in our clinic who recognize they are   these options for
          beginning to become isolated and    you at no cost.
          are missing out on conversations. We   Another product
          would like to say “Thank you” to    that might be of
          those who come to us for answers to   benefit is a pocket
          their questions.                    talker for those who
                                              do not currently
          Blair (my husband) is a great topic for   wear hearing aids.
          our article today because, not only is   It can be used as a
          he a long-time hearing device wearer   personal assistive
          but he also has recently recognized   device to amplify
          that he has difficulty understanding   voices and other
          the television. Being the good wife   sounds around you.

                Lubbock Office               Plainview Office
                Mon/Thurs/Fri 10-4                   Tues/Wed 9-4
                806 438 8270                    806 288 8585

           Gayle Willson, BC HIS, is Board Certified in Hearing Instrument
                       Sciences. Blair Willson is a Hearing
                            Instrument Specialist.

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