Page 34 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2024 - Online Magazine
P. 34


          practice squad scored more points   best to defeat the 1968 Lubbock    the LISD Hall of Honor in 2013,
          against them than all their other   Estacado Matadors.”                the ‘68 Dream Team are in their
          opponents combined. Estacado                                           70s now. They call themselves a
          backup Jesse Bozeman mentioned      Coach Keeling told Al Pickett, “It   “Band of Brothers,” and many of
          Willie Avery, Avance Green, and     was the best of times for me as a   them still get together regularly
          others who prepared the team for    coach. I absolutely know that God   for breakfast, zoom calls, reunions,
          the game ahead. “We got beat up     placed me at this particular place   and, unfortunately, funerals. They
          pretty bad every week, but we       at this specific time in history, and   stay in touch with the widows and
          would score on them.” No one        He placed each of the players there,   children of the teammates they have
          would argue that the backups were   too. We coached these young men    lost. Daughters of Kenneth Wallace,
          a big reason the starters were so   very hard, but they stepped up and   Tiffany and Tonya, like most of the
          successful.                         met every challenge. Even today,   EHS “next generation,” consider
                                              50 years later, this group of players   their dad’s teammates family.
          The last rung on the ladder of the   and their coaches have strong bonds   Coach Keeling still loves his EHS
          dream season was Refugio, whose     and stay in close contact. They have   team like sons, and they all still look
          impressive season ended with a      made the most of the talents God   up to him. Kenneth Wallace once
          score of 14-0, giving the Matadors   gave them. What they achieved as   said, “I used to think I was special,
          their nearly miraculous record of   a team was exceptional, but what   but then I found out Coach felt
          14-0. Almost 50 years later, the    they have achieved after that time   the same way about all of us.” The
          Henderson standout, Joe Wylie,      is even more rewarding. They       story of the 1968 Estacado football
          said, “Against the backdrop of      are incredible men who make a      team doesn’t need any Hollywood
          unrest in our country, a group of   difference in the world.”          embellishment. It is perfect just as it
          young men banded together and                                          is. Feel free to share it. We need to
          accomplished a feat unique in Texas   Coach Keeling also said, “State   “Remember the ‘68 Mighty Mighty
          High School Football lore, a state   Championships are hard.” LISD     Matadors.”
          championship in their first varsity   has not brought that trophy
          season. This story is an inspiration   home again in 55 years. And their
          to all of us on how to face change   records still stand, including the
          with hard work and teamwork—        impressive Points Scored: 552, and
          even to those of us who gave our    Points Allowed: 32. Inducted into

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