Page 60 - Senior Link Magazine Winter 2023 - Online Magazine
P. 60



         of the Lubbock Music Club

         by Carla Johnson and Elissa Stroman

              or the past one hundred years,   music formally in the decade prior,
              musicians in Lubbock have       and there was intense interest in
         Fgathered monthly to share and       having more musical opportunities. In
          promote their love of music. The    1923, the South Plains Music Teachers
          Lubbock Music Club was founded in   Association was established, another
          November 1923 when fifty-three women   group dedicated to music education.
          came together and elected Mrs. Jed Rix   Though the organizations worked
          as their first president. The club has   independently through the years, they
          traditionally focused on promoting   occasionally joined forces to sponsor
          American music and musicians,       concerts, lectures, and festivals for
          educating its members, and elevating   South Plains residents. In the 1920s,
          the musical tastes of the Lubbock   bolstered by the work of these two
          community. In 1924, the club joined the   groups and the fledgling Texas
          Texas Federation of Music Clubs as well   Tech campus, Lubbock welcomed
          as the National Federation of Music   musicians and composers including:
          Clubs.                              Paul Van Katwijk, Efrem Zimbalist,
                                              David Guion, Edwin Hughes, Don
                                              Jose Mojica, Percy Grainger, and John
          In the early 1920s, Lubbock was still a   Philip Sousa.
          small town of four thousand residents,
          but the 1920s was a decade of immense
          growth and development in the region.   As Lubbock grew, so too did the
          The public schools had begun teaching   music club’s activities. In 1927, the
                                              Lubbock Music Club began observing
                                              National Music Week, and for many
                                              years brought together the local church
                                              choirs to stage an annual production
                                              of Handel’s Messiah. During World
                                              War II, Lubbock’s various music
                                              organizations worked together to
                                              provide music and resources to      Twilight Music Hours at the Texas Tech
                                              servicemen at the airfield. Along with   Museum, as well as utilizing local talent
                                              the Allegro Music Club, the Lubbock   to stage musical theater productions like
                                              Music Club sponsored the first concert   Fiddler on the Roof and an award-winning
                                              of the Lubbock Little Symphony in 1946,   children’s television program on KDUB
                                              which became what is now the Lubbock   in 1954 entitled “Adventures in Music
                                              Symphony Orchestra. In the mid-     Land.”
             1950 photo published in the Lubbock AJ
                                              twentieth century, the club held monthly

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