Page 59 - Senior Link Magazine Winter 2023 - Online Magazine
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        artist friends. We strive to inspire   artists of painting “en plein air.”
        and motivate each other as we        Past travels have allowed her to
        continue to learn and grow.          paint directly from life at locations
                                             across the country. She feels that
        I paint a variety of subjects, but   the inspiration, insights, and
        figurative work is my passion.       experiences far outweigh the trials of
        I paint portraits on commission      fending off the elements. “I’m often
        and have also painted many pet       asked, ’Is it worth it?’ Yes, most of
        portraits. Prints of my art can      the time. And there’s always a new
        be purchased through Fine Art        story with every painting.”
                                             New to Lubbock, she found the            summer heat driving her to the
        karindacondray on Instagram          studio more often, but she is happy
                                             to have been embraced by a group
                                             of local artists. She has recently tried
                                             her hand at Abstracts. “You spend
                                             the first half of your art journey
                                             trying to gain control…the second
                                             half you spend trying to let go and
                                             loosen up!”                         Career, business, and rearing two
                                                                                 beautiful daughters took center
                                                  stage for many years while my
                                             All About Looks
                                             2515 34th Street                    interest in art took a back seat. But
                                                                                 when South Plains College offered
                                             Lubbock, Texas 79410
                                                                                 an adult course in oil painting
                                                                                 taught by Marilyn Dewbre, I started
                                             Diana Brink                         commuting to Levelland once a

        Cynara Shelton                       Art has always been a hobby for me,   week for class. I recently have
                                                                                 transitioned to acrylics and am
                                             starting with drawing and art classes   finding them a new and challenging
        Mississippi native, Cynara Shelton,   in school, drawing my own paper    medium.
        has lived and worked in Texas for    dolls and designing wardrobes for
        the past 25 years. She left her studio   them, and even being the art editor   Our guesthouse, fondly named the
        to paint outside a few years ago,    for my school paper, but I never    “Red Barn Inn,” gives me a studio
        following a desire to experience     pursued a formal art education.     and a great place to share with my
        a long-held practice of many                                             three talented friends.

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                                                                  lubbock, texas 79423           lubbock, texas 79453
                                                                     (806) 792-7510               fax (806) 799-8153

                                                                  Doing business locally for over 38 years

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