Page 61 - Senior Link Magazine Winter 2023 - Online Magazine
P. 61


        Also in the 1950s, the Lubbock Music   gather from September through May on
        Club began awarding scholarships to   the third Friday morning of the month
        Texas Tech music students. In more recent   for a time of music fellowship. The club   If you are interested in attending a
        years, students from Lubbock Christian   initially met in various members’ homes,   meeting or getting more information,
        University and Wayland have also been   but since around 2011, the club has met   please contact Carla Johnson.
        recipients. Many of those awarded have   at the First Christian Church. In the late
        gone on to have music careers as teachers,   1990s, men began joining the traditionally
        singers, and professional musicians,   women-only club and are now integral
        including opera singers Bruce Ford and   participating members. The club's
        Terry Cook. Every year, the Lubbock   centennial celebration began with the
        Music Club still holds the Pastorale   September meeting held at the Lubbock
        Festival for music students, sponsored by   Women's Club. The program included
        the National Federation of Music Clubs.   Maestro David Cho, Galen Wixson, and
        The Lubbock Music Club enabled
        generations of Lubbock’s women        From Lubbock’s dusty roots, the Lubbock
        to become integrally involved in      Music Club grew, all the while promoting
        music activities in the town: many    and sponsoring music for the Lubbock
        of its members are active music       community. Their history today is
        teachers, musicians, church organists,   preserved in the Southwest Collection,
        accompanists, and have performed for   where their club scrapbooks and records
        various civic groups throughout the area.   highlight how club members have
        Further, many members became involved   worked tirelessly, oftentimes quietly
        in state and federated music club     behind the scenes, to allow generations of
        activities, creating opportunities for them   Lubbockites to have memorable musical   50th Anniversary photo published in 1973
                                                                                      in the Lubbock Avalanche Journal
        to work with musicians across the United   opportunities
        States. Lubbock Music Club members    and experiences.
        who have served as president of the   Without such
        Texas Federation of Music Clubs include:   groups, the
        D’Aun Marshall, Francis Christmann, Jean   friendships
        Moffatt, and Carla Johnson.           and the
                                              foundations laid
                                              one hundred
        When asked the benefit of being a part of   years ago by
        the Lubbock Music Club, in 2011, Madge   pioneering
        Webster told Elissa Stroman in an oral   women,
        history interview housed at the Southwest   the musical
        Collection/Special Collections Library   landscape of
        at Texas Tech University, “I just enjoy   Lubbock today
        the people, and I enjoy the music.... it’s   would look very
        the only time I see them. I have enjoyed   different!
        seeing them through the years.” Today,
        forty-six active and patron members of
        the Lubbock Music Club continue to

           (photo taken Sept. 2023 at Lubbock Women's Club) includes
          program performers, past Texas Federation of Music Club state Presi-
          dents, Director of the Texas Tech Music Dept, and current president
          of Lubbock Music Club.

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