Page 63 - Senior Link Magazine Winter 2023 - Online Magazine
P. 63
The plan is to offer:
• Comfortable, transitional housing
• A non-judgmental, welcoming environment
• Food, vitamins, toiletries & essential necessities
• Maternity and baby items
• Resources for continuing education
• Resources for obtaining employment
• Financial health & budgeting assistance
• Transportation assistance
• Local medical and counseling resources
But when Jenny’s • Spiritual opportunities & resources
passion for helping We recognize that motherhood is a journey. It can feel
others and listening to overwhelming navigating it alone. All women need a
God was greater than the healthy, reliable support system during the early stages
uncertainty and the fear, of motherhood, but many women don’t have one. This is
she was able to persevere where we come in. No one is meant to walk through this
and listen to His voice alone. Together, we will see it through.
alone. She has relied
on God for the answers If you have had children or have been close to others with
throughout the entire children, you know the obstacles that come with raising
process, and He made kids and raising them well. We not only want to provide
a way. He gave her the necessities for women in need, but to walk alongside
people who truly had the them in life, empowering them to be confident in
desire and the resources motherhood and offer tools that could help them thrive in
to help her put the pieces together. Between trusting their next chapter of life. Heritage House is a place where
in God to lead her and completely relying on Him to life is lived and allows the opportunity for women & their
provide the outcomes, she was able to have complete babies to thrive.
peace in the unknown.
For more information, visit our website at
Through generous donors who “caught” the vision, the or Heritage House on Facebook.
Reegers were able to purchase the property in December
2021 and form the entity now known as Heritage Heritage House plans to open in the beginning of 2024. If
House. Through various tours and visits from interested you are interested in volunteering or scheduling a tour,
supporters, the property began to “feel” different, like please email:
light and peace were flooding every corner.
Heritage House is currently raising funds for their
Architecture plans and contractor bids came together building project and in need of up to $800,000. If you are
in early 2022. City approvals were received, and interested in providing a contribution specifically for their
construction began in September. As the end of building project, please contact Jenny Reeger at: info@
construction nears in the fall of 2023, the Reegers and
their supporters are looking forward to the future.
Lubbock Senior Link 63