Page 65 - Senior Link Magazine Winter 2023 - Online Magazine
P. 65
A Journey Journey to the Golden City of God—Discovering God’s Destiny for Your
City by Myrna Weaver chronicles Lubbock’s journey in passing
to the Golden A an ordinance to become a Sanctuary City for the Unborn. It
City of God documents the grassroots movement united under the leadership of praying
people whose passion was to stand for life. The book tells how God gave
Myrna Weaver individuals a blueprint with step-by-step directives. It cites many roadblocks
faced by legions of volunteers who invested countless man-hours to get
the ordinance on the ballot for a vote. (To date, Lubbock is the largest city
to pass the Sanctuary City Ordinance, and many see her as a leader and an
inspiration for other cities to follow.) The author says the book was written
to encourage not only Lubbock but also other cities as well. The author
states, “God has destinies for cities just as He does for individuals. We can change the destinies of whole cities
when we unite. See Jeremiah 29:7.”
In addition to the story of the struggle, the book tells how God “raised up many Lubbock citizens to become
problem-solvers” for women facing pregnancy under challenging situations. New ministries were birthed
through this process, and established ministries saw their vision expand. Some of their stories are included in
the book.
The author seeks to offer hope that “as we come against new impossible-looking situations, we can remember
that all things are possible with God! He is FOR us and fights WITH us!” In many ways, Discovering God’s
Destiny for Your City is a testimony of how the power of God can be activated when people pray and unite with
Him (2 Chronicles 7:14).
Lubbock Senior Link 65