Page 62 - Senior Link Magazine Winter 2023 - Online Magazine
P. 62

                                                     TO  Serve

         Heritage House

         LUBBOCK                                             Supporting mothers & their children, during & after
                                                             pregnancy, by providing transitional housing, essential
                                                             necessities & a reliable support system

             n 2015, Jenny Reeger was the
             Director of Communications at a
         Ilocal pregnancy medical clinic in
          Lubbock. She felt like she was right
          where God wanted her to be. She
          thoroughly enjoyed her work but
          couldn’t help but notice a common
          need among their pregnant and
          post-partum clients. It was a need for
          housing. Later that year, Jenny gave
          birth to her first son, Jude, and felt
          a prompting from the Lord to stay
          home with him. She would go on to
          spend the next five and a half years
          investing in real estate, operating two
          Airbnb’s, doing graphic design work
          and operating a small design & crafts
          shop. But the need for housing never
          left her mind.                      began to plan and pray over

          Fast forward to 2021—the vote for   the direction of what would
          life passed in Lubbock, and Jenny   eventually become the Heritage
          felt another prompting from the     House Maternity Home. Jenny
          Lord—to leave her design business   chose the name from Psalm 127:3.
          behind and allow Him to guide her   “Behold, children are a heritage
          to provide this need for housing    from the Lord, the fruit of the
          for single, pregnant women. It felt   womb a reward.”
          personal, as if God had intentionally   The Reegers looked for properties
          put it on her heart and mind to begin   for several months and eventually
          a ministry. She began to research   found one that met their needs
          other maternity homes, and while    for the maternity home. But        ways that that is exactly what He was
          they are scarce in our part of West   there was a catch—it was the former   saying.
          Texas, she interviewed, visited     abortion clinic. Was God really
          and researched as many maternity    suggesting they turn a former      Were there doubts of how a project
          homes as she could find. She and    abortion clinic into a maternity   of this scale would come together?
          her husband, Luke, immediately      home? He made it clear in various   Absolutely.

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