Page 56 - Senior Link Magazine Winter 2023 - Online Magazine
P. 56


         VARICOSE                                                          Dr. Wolcott is a Certified Wound

                                                                           Specialist Physician with over 10

                  VEIN                                                     years of wound care experience. The
                                                                           Southwest Regional Wound Care
                                                                           Center bridges the gap between
         TreaTmenT                                                         medicine and science to utilize the
                                                                           most effective and innovative wound

              outhwest Regional Wound        Velcro straps for tension. The
              Care Center has been dedicated   regular use of compression   62-year-old female, before and after,
         Sto healing wounds and treating     can help ease symptoms and     Varithena treatment for varicose veins
         varicose vein disease for over 20   prevent the formation of
         years. Dr. Joseph Wolcott, MD       wounds. Innovative venous
         would like to bring awareness to    procedures are done without
         patients living with varicose veins,   sedation through a needle
         chronic venous insufficiency, and   poke with quick recovery time
         venous leg ulcers.  Chronic venous   here in the clinic.
         disease can be easily diagnosed and
         treated aggressively in our clinic.  Varithena is a winning way
                                             to treat varicose veins and
         Chronic venous insufficiency due    other symptoms of venous
         to age, immobility, and obesity are   insufficiency. It is minimally
         the main risk factors in seniors.   invasive and does not involve
         Venous insufficiency occurs when    surgical vein stripping,
         healthy veins become damaged and    eliminating the associated
         allow the backward flow of blood    risks. Varithena does not
         into the legs. This pooling of blood   require multiple injections to
         can lead to leg heaviness, fatigue,   numb the treatment site, and
         cramping, swelling, redness, itching,   you avoid general anesthesia,
         discoloration, varicose veins, and   sedation, and
         ulcers.  Any of these symptoms can   incisions.
         affect quality of life and activities of
         daily living in the elderly.        At Southwest
                                             Regional Wound
         Diagnosis and treatment of venous   Care Center, our
         insufficiency can be done in our    goal is to improve
         clinic using ultrasound.  Ultrasound   patient comfort
         of the deep and superficial veins   and quality of life.
         will help guide treatment decisions.   Come to our clinic
         Treatment modalities include vein   for evaluation,
         closure procedures (Varithena),     early diagnosis,
         increased activity, elevation of legs,   and treatment of
         and compression garments. Newly     your legs if you
         designed compression garments are   suspect venous
         easy to put on and take off using   insufficiency.                 68 year old female, before and after, Varithena and Laser
                                                                            treatments (over several months) for varicose veins

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