Page 70 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2021- Online Magazine
P. 70

Steven Fair                    From a Mechanic

                                                               to a Medic

                                                               by Larry Williams

                                               the lower Rhine River and its     Steve was assigned as a Medical
                                               neighboring rivers.  While the    Corpsman to the 382nd General
                                               plan failed, James was able to    Hospital in Osaka/Kanoaka,
                                               evade capture by swimming         Japan and did “emergency
                                               across the Ruhr River.  He spent   training for three months before
                                               time in a hospital in England for   heading to Inchon, Korea” where
                                               a while after his ordeal.  Another   he was part of the 382nd Hospital
                                               one of his brothers served during   Battalion from February 1952 to
                                               the Korean War.                   January 1953 as a “rear echelon
                                                                                 medic, assigned to transporting
                                               Steve joked that “he and Elvis    wounded troops – patching them
                                               Presley grew up close to each     up and caring for them.  We
                                               other.”  Elvis was born in        transported the less wounded
                                               Tupelo, Mississippi, just 20 miles   via a medical ambulance truck.
                                               southeast of Bethany on U.S.      (Fair most likely drove the Dodge
                                               Highway 45.  Since Bethany did    WC54 ambulance built during
                                               not have a school, Fair attended   WWII and used up through 1953
                 or those of us who have       nearby Macedonia High School.     in Korea.)  The more serious
                 served in the Armed Forces    He enjoyed playing baseball       cases were Medevac'd to either
            Ffor any length of time, we        there, and his favorite subject   a hospital or a MASH unit.” A
            can relate to what happened to     was history.                      seriously injured soldier had
            former Army PFC Steven Fair of                                       a 97% chance of survival after
            Abernathy.  He started out as a    Steve's family moved to           being treated at a MASH unit.
            mechanic and became a medic.       Arkansas, and he was drafted      The National Museum of the
                                               into the Army on February
            Steven Fair was born to George     27, 1951.  First, he went to      U.S. Army estimates some 17,000
            and Lela Fair in Bethany,          the induction center at Camp      troops were flown from harm’s
            Mississippi on February 25,        Chaffee, Arkansas.  (Later        way during the Korean War via
            1930.  His dad was in the logging   renamed Fort Chaffee, Elvis      helicopter.
            and sawmill business, while        arrived there in 1958 for his     Steve’s time in Korea lasted from
            mom was a homemaker.  Steve        four-day induction.)  Steve was   April 1952 to February 1953.
            was part of a large family – five   sent to Ft. Lewis, Washington    Korea was known for harsh
            brothers and four sisters.  Steve   for eight weeks of basic training.    winters.  PFC Fair said he “saw
            was the fourth oldest.  He         After surviving basic, Fair was   lots of frostbite, along with limbs
            noted that one brother, James,     assigned to the 6th Infantry
            served in WWII with the Army       Division. (Actor David Janssen
            and participated in the D-Day      of TV’s The Fugitive fame was
            invasion on June 6, 1944.  He      with the 6th Infantry the year
            was a Higgins Boat driver          after Fair.)  From there, Steve
            and dropped troops off on the      was sent to Vehicle Ops Training
            beach under heavy German           School at Ft. Ord, California
            fire.  Surviving that ordeal,      for three months.  While there,
            James volunteered to join the      he learned to drive all types of
            82nd Airborne.  He trained in      Army vehicles and how to do
            England for three to four weeks    maintenance on them.  After
            and participated in the so-called   Vehicle Op training, he was
            Operation Market Garden.  The      assigned to Korea and was “on a
            plan was for Allied airborne       ship transport zigzagging from
            troops to seize the bridges across   Seattle to Tokyo (Yokohama).”

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