Page 66 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2021- Online Magazine
P. 66

Victor Astwood                        Training for a Lifetime

                                                              by Larry Williams

                                                         School in New Jersey.    Astwood received orders for
                                                         He was a weightlifter,   Korea and shipped out from San
                                                         and French was his      Francisco on the USS General
                                                         favorite subject. He    George M. Randall troopship in
                                                         graduated in 1950.      January 1953. “We stopped at
                                                                                 Hawaii but didn’t get off the
                                                         The Korean War          ship. It was always hurry up
                                                         began in June, shortly   and wait. We finally landed in
                                                         after Vic’s graduation.    Japan, and they took us by plane
                                                         He attended college     to Korea. We flew at night; they
                                                         for a year and a half   turned off all the lights, even the
                                                         in Long Island City,    runway lights, and we landed in
                                                         Queens, where he        Kunsan (Air Base), Korea.  That
                                                         studied to become an    was scary.
                                                         aircraft and engine
                                                         mechanic. Knowing       “They gave us three folding
                                                         the military draft was   chairs for a bed, but I was so tall
                                                         “going to catch up”     (6’) I had to add a fourth chair.
                                                         with him, Vic decided   I slept in my coveralls most of
                                                         to join the U.S. Air    the time. We took our planes,
                                                         Force.  He laughed      shot at by the Communists, and
                                                         when he said, “The      repaired them. They gave us just
                                                         Army tried to draft     two days to get them back in
                                                         me just three days      flying condition. We worked 12
                                                         after I joined the Air   hours on and 12 hours off.  We
                                                         Force! I wasn’t a U.S.   often got shot at by Communist
                                                         citizen yet, and the    planes flying over our base. We
                                                         Army was looking        had ditches dug throughout our
                                                         for men, any men.”      compound, and when the planes
                  ighty-eight-year-old Victor            Fortunately for Vic,    came to strafe us, we jumped
                  Caesar Astwood did not       the Air Force accepted him. He    into them for cover. They often
            Etake the traditional route        was inducted on February 29,      had over two feet of water in
            when he joined the armed forces    1952. Basic training followed at   them, and that filled up your
            in 1952. He was born a British     Samson Air Force Base on Lake     boots when you jumped in. I
            citizen in Cape Haitien, Haiti     Seneca.  It’s estimated that over   had a buddy, Bob Phelan from
            on April 15, 1932, to Charles      330,000 Air Force personnel were   my high school, who was killed
            and Adela Astwood. Vic was         trained there during the Korean   (Sgt. Phelan with I Company, 3rd
            the fourth of five children born   War (1950-1956).  Astwood         Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment)
            to Charles, a dentist and a        recalled that it was “bitter      on September 5, 1952, at ‘Outpost
            Columbia University grad, and      cold, and some men died of        Bruce.’”
            Adela, a homemaker. His family     pneumonia.” Advanced training     When asked about his scariest
            eventually ended up in Long        (aircraft mechanic) for Vic was   time in Korea, Vic was quick to
            Island, New York where Vic         at Sheppard Air Force Base in     say, “Once, we were overrun by
            attended Red Bank Catholic High    Wichita Falls, Texas.
                                                                                 the North Koreans around 2:00

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