Page 71 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2021- Online Magazine
P. 71
air force
Korean War
missing. It was a very damp cold to Ft. Smith, Arkansas where I was and Eva had three children – two
in Korea. We rarely knew exactly separated from the service. I served girls and one boy. They moved to
where we were. We went where five more years in the inactive Farmington, New Mexico in hopes
they told us to go and moved back reserves for a total of seven years of of the drier weather to help with
and forth across the 38th Parallel service.” the children’s asthma. Next, Steve
(the dividing line between North worked for Continental Insurance
and South Korea). I usually worked “I went back home (to Arkansas) Company in Lubbock for about
with one other medic. We took on a bus. I went to a trade school 15 years. He and Eva divorced in
turns driving, while the other stayed in Kansas City and started out 1984. His last place of employment
with the wounded in the back of the working with a GM dealership in was with Auto Damage Appraisers
ambulance. We typically worked Blytheville, Arkansas, staying there in Lubbock, where he stayed for
9-12 hours on and 9-12 hours off.” for three years. I moved to Baton six years. He met Sharon Kester
Rouge, Louisiana, where I worked at in 1985. They married in 1989 and
When his time in Korea ended, Fair another GM dealership and became have resided in Abernathy since
headed back to the states on another the service manager there. I met my then. Steve went on the 2013 Texas
transport ship. Once he arrived future wife, Eva Zimmerman, who South Plains Honor Flight. He said,
back in Seattle, he only had ten worked in the office there. I went “one of the highlights of the trip was
days of service left. He went to the to GM training in Atlanta, Georgia to be selected as one of the wreath
Seattle airport and “caught a DC-6 and was there for 14 years.” Steve layers at the Korean War Memorial.”
Lubbock Senior Link 71