Page 68 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2021- Online Magazine
P. 68

days and Vic worked a later shift,
                                                                                so he could help with childcare.
                                                                                The kids told her years later that
                                                                                “Daddy pulled inspection on us
                                                                                every morning, making sure that
                                                                                we ate our breakfast, brushed
                                                                                our teeth, shined our shoes, had
                                                                                our homework, books and lunch
                                                                                money ready!”

                                                                                Vic went on the 2014 Texas South
                                                                                Plains Honor Flight after his
                                                                                daughter, Rosemarie, a six-year
                                                                                Navy veteran, found out about the
                                                                                trip at the VA clinic.  (In addition,
                                                                                his son, Andrew was in the Air
                                                                                Force from 1989-1993.) Sue said
                                                                                that it was “the trip of a lifetime
                                                                                for him.”  His favorite stop was at
                                                                                the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.
                                                                                When asked what he’d like to be
                                                                                remembered for, Vic said, “That I
         went to a picture show at the Granada (in Plainview)                   did my best. I served my country.”
         and had an ice cream cone afterwards.”  Victor was    Victor Astwood may have been born in Haiti, but he
         immediately smitten with the red-headed girl, and their   was proud to be an American and to have served his
         courtship began. Vic and Sue married on December 18,   country for many, many years. Asked how the military
         1955, but, according to Sue, “only after he got his U.S.   enhanced his life, Vic said, “It gave me training for a
         citizenship.” They were married 65 years last December   lifetime.  I met a lot of interesting people.”
         and had four sons and one daughter.
         When the Amarillo base closed, Vic transferred to
         Laredo AFB, and Sue went to work as a civilian for    Victor Astwood passed away on March 26, 2021.
         the Air Force.  After five years, Vic and Sue both
         transferred to Reese AFB near Lubbock in 1973 and
         remained there until their retirement.  Sue worked


          h real estate

                                ron herrin broker

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