Page 75 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2021- Online Magazine
P. 75

                                                                                                 Korean War

         “I was put on a train headed      Korea and didn’t even realize
         north to Chorwon. They put        it for weeks. I worked in a
         us up there in a squad tent.      Quonset Hut that had a stove
         It was very cold in the winter    that burned diesel fuel. We
         and very hot in summer. I was     also had some Korean soldiers
         assigned to the 8th Army, 7th     assigned to us called KATUSA
         Division Artillery, 31st Field    soldiers (Korean Augmentation
         Artillery Regiment. They found    to the United States Army).
         out that I had some college and   We taught them how to speak
         could type, so I was assigned     English and how to clean a
         to the Headquarters Company       weapon.”
         and worked for the company
         commander. After eight months,    Recalling one humorous
         we moved the unit to Munson,      incident, Bill said, “One
         South Korea.  I turned 21 in      KATUSA had a habit of getting

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