Page 67 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2021- Online Magazine
P. 67

air force
                                                                                                Korean War

                                                                 After ten months and 16 days in Korea, Vic received
                                                                 orders to return to the states.  He shipped out on the
                                                                 USS General W.H. Mann and remembered, “I was just
                                                                 glad to make it home alive.”
                                                                 After a 30-day leave and eight days at home for
                                                                 Christmas, Sergeant Astwood was assigned to
                                                                 Amarillo Air Force Base. He continued working on
                                                                 aircraft engines until he was discharged on February
                                                                 28, 1956. He stayed at Amarillo AFB “doing basically
                                                                 the same job, but as a civilian.” He stayed there for 14
                                                                 years until the base closed in December 1968.

                                                                 Vic’s wife, Sue, recalled how the couple met. He was
                                                                 still in the Air Force at the time. “Vic had a military
             a.m. It was pouring down rain. Even though we had   friend in Hart. He told Vic that he had a cousin who
             .50 caliber machine guns guarding our perimeter, I   wanted to go to Halfway to see his girlfriend.” Vic
             used to sleep with my .45 pistol between my legs. We   was to be Sue’s blind date. “When they arrived at
             jumped up and shot at anything that moved outside   our house in Plainview, I went to the door, and there
             our perimeter.”                                     stood the most handsome man I had ever seen.  We

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