Page 74 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2021- Online Magazine
P. 74

Bill Whorton                      From the South Plains to

                                                               the Korean Hills

                                                               by Larry Williams

                                                                Billy attended   badly, and one engine was on
                                                                Lubbock          fire. It was very low and tried to
                                                                High             make it over Smoke Bomb Hill,
                                                                School and       our area. It hit our BOQ (Bachelor
                                                                graduated        Officer Quarters), then hit our
                                                                in May 1951.     mess hall. Seven people were
                                                                Instead of       killed, five from the plane and
                                                                playing          two in the mess hall. My training
                                                                sports, he       there was over. I never did get
                                                                worked           my airborne training.”
                                                                at various
                                                                jobs, such       Whorton received orders to
                                                                as sacking       report to Tacoma, Washington.
                                                                groceries,       He boarded the U.S.S. Marine
                                                                setting pins     Adder (T-AP-193), a troop ship
                                                                at a local       for the U.S. Navy. Sailing out
                                                                bowling alley,   in June 1954, Whorton recalled,
                                                                and finally      “Two days out, we were hit by a
                                                                at Lubbock       huge storm that lasted four days.
                                                                National         Everyone onboard was sick. It
                                                                Bank.  He        was the worst storm recorded in
                                                                attended         the ship’s log. The waters became
                                                                Texas Tech       much smoother after that. Pusan,
                                                                College.  He     Korea was my first time in a
                                                                wanted to        foreign country.
                                                                join the U.S.
                  y the time Billy Mack                         Air Force but
                  Whorton was six years        was drafted into the Army and
            Bold, he had lived in four         inducted in Amarillo, Texas on
            West Texas towns: Petersburg,      October 28, 1953. Basic training
            Floydada, Plainview and finally    was at Ft. Bliss in El Paso. He
            Lubbock. Billy was born July       received orders to report to Ft.
            2, 1933, to Walter and Alba        Riley, near Manhattan, Kansas,
            Whorton. After moving the          for Weapons Repair and Supply
            family to Lubbock, Walter          School. Next up for Bill was a
            became a motorcycle policeman.     stint at Ft. Bragg, North Carolina,
            He was severely injured in a       where he was trained for the
            motorcycle wreck when Billy        Army Special Forces called the
            was ten years old. Even after      “Green Berets”. To qualify for the
            extensive surgery, he was          Green Berets, “You had to have
            paralyzed for months and lost his   airborne training. I was walking
            ability to speak. Alba took a job   across the parade grounds to sign
            at Hemphill-Wells and worked       up for airborne training (March
            there many years to support the    30, 1954) when I saw a C-119
            family.                            plane, a Flying Boxcar, smoking

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