Page 65 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2021- Online Magazine
P. 65

                                                                                                 Korean War

             Webb’s two years of active duty, he joined the Army   manager until 1972. I worked for a while in the hotel
             Reserve and was officially discharged on November   industry, and my last job was in 2018.”
             16, 1956.
                                                                 Joe’s wife, Peggy, passed away in 2005. In 2006,
             Back home in Pampa, Joe went back to work at the    he met Betty Brown at a senior’s dance. They have
             bowling alley.  “I bought a used 1950 Ford. I had   been a couple for nearly 15 years.  Joe always
             met Peggy Allen before I went into the service. We   loved singing in church, and, even at almost 90, he
             started dating and going to her church, and were    continues to do so.
             married on August 16th, 1953. In 1954, we moved
             to Amarillo, where I managed a bowling alley.  We   Maybe Joe Webb didn’t stay at any one job for
             stayed there about two years and moved to McLean,   very long, but he worked hard his whole life. He
             where I worked in a grocery store. Then, we moved   just proved that he was capable of lots of different
             to Plainview, and I attended Wayland Baptist        things, not least of which was risking his life on the
             College. (I had received my G.E.D. while I was in the   dangerous 38th Parallel on behalf of his own country
             service.) I worked several part-time jobs like slinging   and a fledgling democracy a long way from Pampa.
             hamburgers with Jimmy Dean’s brother, Don, and
             stocking and checking at White’s Grocery Store and
             at Piggly Wiggly. Peg and I had three children:
             Danny, Dendy and Donna.”
             In 1956, Joe was hired at the first ever United
             Supermarket in Lubbock. “The first store was
             on 34th Street. I also worked at other locations,
             including the ones on 50th and Ave. Q and on 50th
             and Slide Road.

                                             “In 1958, I
                                             moved the
                                             family to
                                             where I
                                             worked as an
                                             cleaner and
                                             did janitorial
                                             work. We
                                             moved back
                                             to Lubbock
                                             in 1963, and
                                             I went back
                                             to work for
                                             United. I
                                             worked there
                                             as an assistant

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