Page 116 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2021- Online Magazine
P. 116

TRA VEL                                         TRAVEL

          WHY WE


          DAY TRIPS

            by Vickie Walters                 smaller) cross in Ballinger, TX.  Over   go somewhere we can enjoy the fall

                                              the years, they have added the Stations   foliage … a corn maze and/or pumpkin
               here's a lot to love about the open   of the Cross, an auditorium, and a   patch near Lubbock.
               road:  amazing sights, connecting   gift shop. After lunch, we head to the
          Twith people, and experiencing      Charles and Mary Goodnight Ranch    Currently, we only post information
          places up close and personal.  But   State Historic Site in Claude, TX for a   about our day trips on our Facebook
          sometimes there is not enough time   tour.  The ranch was built in 1888 and   page and our website www.
          to take a long trip. That's why we love   is listed on the National Register of (Day Trips).
          day trips! It packs adventures into a   Historic Places.  We also plan to drive   Keep an eye on both pages!
          neatly edited one-day excursion.    to Sweetwater, TX to tour the National
                                              WASP WWII Museum (Women             We always plan a Christmas trip in
          King’s Highway plans day trips in the   Airforce Service Pilots), which has   December.  Once places have released
          fall and spring when the weather is   been recently renovated.  Afterwards,   the dates for their special events, we
          neither too cold nor too hot.  This fall   we drive to Roscoe to enjoy lunch and   will be sending out postcards with all
          we have planned to go to Groom, TX   shopping at Vickie’s Gifts and The   the information as to where we are
          to see the 19-story Cross of Our Lord   Wildflower Boutique.  In the fall we   going and what we will be doing.
          Jesus Christ, inspired by the giant (but   also like to plan a day trip where we

             Tom Walters Inc.
                                                       Contact us for information on our day
              13001 FM 179
                                                            trips and tours or check out our
             Wolfforth, TX  79382
                                                                    Like us on Facebook
             1-888-420-3188 fax                
             1-888-332-4315 toll free

                                                                                                                                                             1717 Norfolk Avenue     Lubbock, Texas 79416                    A#137654      B#135846

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