Page 111 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2021- Online Magazine
P. 111

a downhole camera from the Laval Company            Honor Flight, and Joe was selected to go on the
            in Fresno, California and a new van to house        2015 flight to Washington, D.C. Joe said, “It was
            the equipment. We owned the first downhole          a great trip.  My favorite stop was Arlington
            camera in West Texas, so we had a lot of            Cemetery to watch the Changing of the Guard.
            business. I proved to the local farmers that you    That was very impressive.”
            could save money on repairs if we used our
            camera. At one time, we did more holes in one       Joe's military career is also impressive, when you
            year than anyone and made more money on one         consider the number of technical skills a teenage
            job than anyone in the country. The bad news        farm boy from land-locked Crosbyton was able
            was that we lost a $32,000 camera down a hole       to master aboard multiple ships in his service to
            near Lazbuddie. The cable broke.”                   our country. Looking back, Joe wistfully said,
                                                                “I wanted to stay in the Navy, but my fiancée
            The Hargroves finally retired and are living        didn’t want to be a Navy wife. That was the end
            out their days in Crosbyton. Joyce saw a piece      of my military career, but I was privileged to do
            on the local news about the Texas South Plains      a lot of stuff in the Navy.”

                                                                                           Civil Air Patrol
                               LUBBOCK                                                Lubbock Composite Squadron
            Wreaths Across America                                                    Wreaths Across America Day
                                                                                         Sponsoring National
                                                                                         December 18, 2021

            For 14 years, the Civil Air Patrol, Lubbock Composite Squadron has sponsored National Wreaths Across America Day at the
            City of Lubbock Cemetery, 2011 E. 31st Street. We are excited to announce that this year we are accepting “Grave Specific”
            requests for both the City of Lubbock Cemetery and Resthaven. Individuals can sponsor wreaths to be placed, or they can
            pick them up and place them themselves.
            A “Grave Specific” request must be ordered through Capt. Tammy Preidis at 806-429-2033.
            Our mission continues to be to REMEMBER our fallen heroes, HONOR those who continue to serve our great nation and to
            TEACH the next generation about the value of FREEDOM.
            This program has been important to Capt. Preidis and her family because they have a long family history of military
            members. We recall the sacrifices of those who serve and have served in this nation’s armed forces. The placement of a
            wreath during this holiday season is a tangible thank you and memorial to those who have made the greatest sacrifice in
            the line of duty or have served and passed from this life.
            It is our desire to place a wreath on EVERY veteran’s headstone at the City of Lubbock Cemetery. Over 3,000 veterans are
            interred there. The only way we can accomplish this goal is through the generous sponsorships of individuals, businesses,
            and corporations in the area.
            Capt. Preidis and her staff: Major Jim Preidis, Lori Sims, and Cadet 1st Lt. Jonathon
            Preidis are diligently working to collect sponsorships and create a ceremony that people
            will remember.

            To sponsor, contact the office at 806-429-2033, go to the website at
   or mail a check made out to
            PO Box 65026, Lubbock, TX 79464
            Wreaths are only $15.00 – Businesses and Corporations who sponsor
            between 10 and 100+ wreaths will be mentioned in the ceremony
            program on December 18, 2021.
                                                                                   EVERY FALLEN HERO DESERVES A WREATH

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