Page 114 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2021- Online Magazine
P. 114

Delmar Baker                        From Trials and Tragedy

                                                               to Triumph

                                                               by Ted and Jody Boudreaux Wilson

                                                           After returning       personnel.  Delmar was near the
                                                           home, a brother       front of the line of soldiers with
                                                           and Delmar were       his duffle bag on his shoulder,
                                                           added to the          awaiting the opening of the door
                                                           family.  War has a    of the Continental Trailways
                                                           way of damaging       bus to be shipped out, when a
                                                           even the survivors.    jeep with a captain drove up.
                                                           Shell shock, or       “Corporal Baker, come here. Get
                                                           PTSD as it is now     in the jeep.”  Corporal Baker
                                                           called, affected      was dumbfounded.  At the
                                                           many veterans;        headquarters for the 3rd Brigade,
                                                           Charles was one       the brigade colonel informed
                                                           of them.  Delmar      Delmar that he was exempt from
                                                           and his siblings      being deployed because his
                                                           were raised in an     brother in Vietnam requested he
                                                           atmosphere of         not be sent, since they were the
                                                           chaos, rage, and      only sons of Charles Baker.  So,
                                                           alcohol.  Those       instead of the jungles of Vietnam,
                                                           demons followed       Corporal Baker became the
                                                           Delmar through        colonel’s orderly, in charge of the
                                                           high school, some     motor pool, as well as his driver.
                                                           college years, and
                                                           into his military     The motor pool had never
                                                           days after he was     passed an IG (Inspector General)
                                                           drafted into the      inspection.  The exiting sergeant
                                                           army in September     told Delmar it was all in his
                                                           of 1966, in the       hands.  Corporal Baker took
                                                           middle of the         on the challenge.  Rather than
                                                           Vietnam War.          traveling half a world away into
                   elmar Baker was raised                                        a war zone of a very unpopular
                   in an alcoholic home        Those army days are still vivid   war, Delmar determined
            Denvironment in Freeport,          in Delmar’s memories.  Infantry   to pursue excellence while
            TX after being born in Laredo      basic training took place at Fort   performing his duties back at
            to a WWII army veteran, Staff      Hood, where he was affectionally   Fort Hood.  As a result, nervous
            Sergeant Charles Baker. Sergeant   known as a “grunt”.  Then,        with “the Brass” minutely
            Baker was awarded the Bronze       as a PFC, he was assigned to      checking everything, the motor
            Star after action in a horrific    advanced individual training      pool passed with a score of 99
            battle in the South Pacific.       (AIT) at Fort Lee, Virginia.  Then   out of 100.  Remembering that
            Delmar’s mom, Marie, married       he was sent back to Fort Hood,    still chokes him up with a touch
            his dad on December 6, 1941,       where he was put in charge        of pride.
            soon after she had turned 18.      of the motor pool for all the
            Charles, 18 years older, signed up   mechanized machinery (tanks     Corporal Baker was released
            shortly after the honeymoon and    and such), but he was always      from active duty in September
            did not see his wife or daughter,   preparing to be deployed.        1968, started back to college
            who was conceived during that                                        for a short while, then began
            short honeymoon, until early       Orders came in, and his unit      building homes with his brother-
            1945, some 3 1/2 years later.      got everything ready to be        in-law contractor in Baton
                                               shipped to Vietnam, including     Rouge.  Civilian Baker then

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