Page 120 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2021- Online Magazine
P. 120


                                It's         Fitting that

                           We Say                   "Thank You"

                             by Phil Johnson

                             Justice, Texas Supreme Court, Retired

                                   ver two hundred       governments – state and    and airmen to defend what
                                   years ago, persons    federal – have only those   has been so dearly acquired
                             Ofrom many countries        powers we as citizens      and passed down to us:
                             began leaving their homes   delegate to them. In other   freedom and individual
                             for a “New World” where     words, our governments     rights.
                             they had heard they could   govern only with the
                             live, provide for their     consent of the governed.   In his Gettysburg address,
                             families, and worship       The Tenth Amendment        President Lincoln referred
                             free from oppressive        to our Constitution so     to the unfinished work of
                             governmental interference.   specifies:                preserving the union and its
                             It took great courage for                              benefits. Paraphrased, his
                             those first pilgrims to leave   The powers not delegated   words remain applicable
                             their native homelands and   to the United States by the   today:
                             build a new order in a new   Constitution, nor prohibited
                             land. Little did they know   by it to the States, are reserved   Let each of us resolve that those
                             that eventually they would   to the States respectively, or to   who have sacrificed and died so
                             fight a revolutionary war to   the people.             we may enjoy the blessings of
                             secure their independence.                             liberty will not have sacrificed
                             Little did they anticipate   The constitutional        and died in vain. Let us each
                             the full cost of that struggle:   reservation of powers   commit to the proposition that
                             most lost family members,   to the people burdens      this nation, under God, and its
                             friends, or fortunes; many   us as individuals with    government of the people, by
                             lost all three.             responsibilities.  For     the people and for the people
                                                         example, with the right    shall be preserved for the
                             It has not been easy for    of freedom of speech and   generations that follow us.
                             Americans to preserve       expression comes the
                             what was begun so long      obligation to speak out and   As a judge, I have attended
                             ago.  Wars and armed        to make our voices heard on   ceremonies at which
                             conflicts, including a civil   issues of importance.  The   immigrants to this country
                             war, two world wars, and    right to vote is accompanied   have completed their
                             a war on terror, have tested   by the obligation to become   naturalization process to
                             whether such a radical      informed about issues and   become citizens. Invariably,
                             new social order, as was    candidates and vote.  The   the new citizens have
                             established in America,     right to a jury trial is paired   expressed how much
                             could be maintained.  The   with the obligation to serve   it means to them to be
                             tests continue: totalitarian   as a juror when you are   Americans and how they
                             governments that deprive    called to do so. In short, it is   will never forget the day
                             their people of basic human   by fulfilling the obligations   they became an American
                             rights by force of arms have   of being good citizens that   citizen.
                             committed to dismantling    we secure the blessings of   It is fitting that all
                             the governmental structure   Liberty and the benefits   Americans – those by
                             of the United States,       of our way of life to our   birth and those by choice
                             imposing their totalitarian   children, our grandchildren   – should pause each year
                             will on our populace.       and their posterity.       to celebrate America’s
                                                         And always comes the
                             In contrast to such         responsibility for some to   birthday. But it is also
                             totalitarian regimes, our   serve as soldiers, sailors,   fitting that we as Americans

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