Page 118 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2021- Online Magazine
P. 118

Word Search                    Word Search

                                         X P A T R I O T S O LD I ER
                                         U N U P HD E P L O Y M E N T
                                         S V AD P X Y C S E R V I C E
                                         CA E VR R E A I R F O R C E
                                         B O C T Y O E N A A WW I I T
                                         OB R R E V F C L R N I F S R
                                         O A C P IRI F I I M D R A A
                                         T T K O S F A EI A S Y EI I
                                         CT O O M M I N T CT T E L N
                                         A L R J M M ACA NE I D O I
                                         ME E U V F A N E Z A R O R N
                                         P S AMA R I N E S U M M N G
                                         X H H O N O RO D CO M B A T
                                         Y I F O X H OL E E V A LO R
                                         C P QA R T I L L E R Y S B A

                            APPRECIATION        BATTLESHIP         DEPLOYMENT        COMMANDER
                            CORPSMAN            SACRIFICE          TRAINING          ARTILLERY

                            VETERAN             FREEDOM            AIR FORCE         FOXHOLE
                            VIETNAM             SOLDIER            OFFICER           COMBAT
                            ENLIST              WWII               BOOT CAMP         SERVICE
                            PATRIOT             MARINES            SAILOR            KOREA

                            VALOR               HONOR              NAVY              ARMY

                                               Word Search answers on page 122

                 Tickle Your Funny Bone
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                                                                                      © 2007 - 2021
               •  Air Force pilot to a seaman: “You’re telling me that you’re in   see you at camouflage training this morning,
                 the Navy but can’t swim?”                              private.”
                 Seaman: “You’re in the Air Force. Can you fly?”        “Thank you very much, sir,” replies the soldier.

               •  As a group of soldiers stood in formation at an Army Base,   •  Q: Why do SEALs fall backward off the boat?
                 the Drill Sergeant said, “All right! All you idiots fall out.” As   A: If they fell forward, they'd still be in the boat.
                 the rest of the squad wandered away, one soldier remained at   •  When I lost my rifle, the Army charged me $85.
                 attention. The drill instructor walked over until he was eye-to-
                 eye with him. The soldier smiled and said, “Sure were a lot of   That’s why in the Navy the captain goes down
                                                                        with the ship.
                 ’em, huh, sir?”
                                                                      •  My friend asked why I wouldn’t tell him my
               •  Q: Why don’t Twitter users make good soldiers?        military rank.
                 A: They’re always too quick to retweet.
                                                                        I told him it’s Private.
               •  A drill sergeant grumbles at his fresh young trainee, “I didn’t

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