Page 121 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2021- Online Magazine
P. 121



           remember to make a special                                            Art
           effort to thank our fellow
           citizens who protect us or
           have protected us by serving                                                           Local
           in our armed forces. The                                                               Lubbock
           rights we enjoy as Americans                                                           artist and
           rest on their shoulders and                                                            former
           their sacrifices.
           May God continue to bless                                                              school art
           these United States of                                                                 teacher,
           America. May God continue                                                              Greg
           to bless those who have                                                                Vail, has
           defended her and those who                                            a studio filled with many
           continue to do so. To them,                                           canvasses of the beauty of
           we say Thank You for your                                             nature and gentle wood
           service and your sacrifices.                                          carvings of birds.  This
                                                                                 painting was inspired by his
                                                                                 concern for America and its
                                                                                 need for the touch of Jesus’

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