Page 112 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2021- Online Magazine
P. 112

Brynn Naylor                       "I Know Where I'm Going":

                                                               The Story of My Son

                                                               by D'Ann McGuire

                                                           be right home, but    few days in disbelief and grief,
                                                           my hands were         rather than the excitement of
                                                           already knowingly     being packed up to go home.
                                                           shaking.  I called
                                                           my husband and        Brynn had told us of this
                                                           told him what         dedication his unit had toward
                                                           James had said.       one another as they were
                                                           Robert had served     protecting each other as well
                                                           in the Army in the    as our nation.  He was also
                                                           Old Guard, and he     concerned about their souls.   He
                                                           knew this was not     once told me that several of the
                                                           good news.            men asked him questions about
                                                                                 Jesus, heaven and religion.  He
                                                           I called a couple of   answered them the best he
                                                           friends to go to our   knew.  I have been told that, in
                                                           house to be with      the face of a dangerous situation,
                                                           James more quickly    Brynn was calmer than some
                                                           than I could get      and encouraged some others,
                                                           there. The officers,   too, by saying, “Come on, this
                                                           apparently            is what we came here to do.”
                                                           watching for my       They asked him, “Aren’t you
               t was not uncommon for me                   return, came back.    scared?”  He replied, “Yes, I’m
               to wake in the middle of the    So, when I did get home, they     scared, but if something happens
            Inight after my oldest son left    were waiting inside and told me   to me, I know where I’m going.”
            for a tour of duty to Iraq.  I had   that Brynn had been killed when   They asked him where he was
            asked God to wake me if Brynn      his unit came under small arms    planning on going, thinking
            ever needed an extra prayer.  I    fire.  I was devastated!  But, even   he was referring to an earthly
            was usually sleepy but would       through tears, “When?” was my     escape, and this opened the door
            pray for protection and courage    first question as I remembered    to be able to talk about heaven
            for my son and his Army unit,      the prayer that morning.  My      and Jesus with them.  Several
            then drift back to sleep.  But, on   awakening and his death were    of the men and officers have
            December 13, 2007, the morning     within a few hours of each        said they noticed Brynn had a
            awakening was different.  I was    other.  Perhaps
            aware of being wide awake.         I was awake
                                               to pray for
            I went about a normal day of       Adam, who was
            work and ran a few errands         Brynn’s current
            afterwards.  Then I got a call     roommate in
            from my youngest son, James – a    Iraq, when he
            call that changed my day and       knew that Brynn
            our lives.  James had not wanted   was no longer
            to go on my errands with me, so    alive.  And also,
            he was home when the Casualty      for Ryan, who
            Notification Officers came to      found Brynn and
            our house.  James didn’t realize   told me that the
            at first what they were there      whole demeanor
            for but knew it was important      of the unit was
            and called me when they left.  I   changed as they
            tried to tell him calmly that I’d   spent the next    Kevin, Brynn, Brian, and Adam

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