Page 20 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2020- Online Magazine
P. 20
For Your
SYSTEM by Krista Jenkins Co-owner of Simply AC
and Heating
our air conditioning system Maintenance Best Left to the system serviced and maintained before
is like a lovely, silent partner Experts: a potentially small issue becomes a
Ywhose presence you appreciate very big and costly problem. Your
greatly on those sweltering West Texas Check refrigerant levels – A local HVAC professional will be able
summer days. When it is running well, technician will check for proper to take a more detailed look at your
you tend to pay little attention to it. refrigerant levels by measuring the system and identify problems you may
However, when it is running poorly, system pressures and will notify you if have otherwise missed. Furthermore,
you notice it immediately. To keep there is a suspected leak. don’t be afraid to ask the technician
your AC system running in tip-top questions during the inspection. The
shape, we recommend a program Evaluate the coils – A technician technician is there to serve you as well
of routine maintenance. This is the will inspect the evaporator coil (inside as service your system.
most reliable way to maintain energy the home) and the condenser coil
efficiency and ward off expensive (outside the home), and check for “Simply Serviced, Simply Priced, Give
repairs and replacements. An energy cleanliness. Dirty filters lead to dirty Us a Call, We Will Treat You Right”
efficient system likely means lower coils which can lead to expensive
utility bills as well! repairs in the short term and costly Give Simply AC and Heating a call
replacements in the long term. today at 806-549-7705.
Maintenance You Can
Perform Yourself: Motors – A
technician will
Change the filters – Change measure and evaluate
disposable filters once per month on the performance of
a day you will remember, such as the blower motor
the first of every month. If the filter is (inside the home)
permanent, remove it and clean it once and condenser motor
per month. A clean filter can reduce (outside the home) for
your energy usage by 15 percent and proper operation.
extend the life of your AC system. It is
too easy not to do it regularly. Check condensate
drain – A technician
Remove debris - Inspect your will visually check
outdoor unit twice a month and condensate drain to
remove loose vegetation and debris check for blockages
around the unit. You should not allow caused by a dirty filter
vegetation to grow within two feet and/or dirty coil.
of the unit as this impedes proper air
flow. Sufficient air flow is needed for Inspect Capacitors
the AC unit to properly control the and Contactors – A
indoor air temperature of your home. technician will test
for proper operation
Adjust your thermostat – Be of capacitors and
sure to switch your thermostat from contactors.
“Heat” to “Cool” to reflect the change
in season and warmer outdoor Remember, an ounce
weather. Consider upgrading to a of prevention is
programmable thermostat or a “smart” worth a pound of
thermostat which allows you to cure. Maintaining
program a warmer temperature when your AC system is far
you are away from home and a cooler, less expensive than
more comfortable temperature when repairing or replacing
you are at home. it. Spring is an ideal
time to get your AC
20 Lubbock Senior Link