Page 19 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2020- Online Magazine
P. 19
experience rich passed away
cultures, but he in 1996, and he
got to do it with still misses her
the woman he terribly.
Mike is retired
Once they now but
returned to the stays busy
states, Mike helping others.
was stationed Everyone in our
in California at Edwards Air Force neighborhood
Base where they purchased a pick- loves him. He’s
up and a camper and hit all the the one to call if
best Californian tourist spots. They someone needs
witnessed a Rose Bowl Parade, a their house or
Disneyland celebration, and one dogs watched
of his favorite pastimes: NASCAR. or their mail
In 1978, their son Andrew (Drew) collected. My
was born, and Mike says one of mother and I met
his happiest achievements in life is him at church
having had a son with the woman (St. Luke’s UMC)
he loved so dearly. Soon after and he has
Drew’s birth, they moved back to become a close
Germany, this time choosing to live family friend.
off base. They lived in one house for He takes me to
three years, allowing Drew to learn school and picks
German and English at the same me up most
time. days.
After returning to the states, I hope that when and his travels; it showed me that
Mike was deployed again – this I am older, I will be able to impact the life’s significance is comprised of two
time to Southeast Asia. Carol was lives of others like Mike has. His life things: adventuring to new horizons
experiencing some medical problems, experiences have benefitted not only and making memories with the ones
so she stayed behind. The hardest him but also all the people he loves whom you love the most. The joy of
time in his life was when Carol and who love him. One of the things those memories and experiences is
became ill. The couple decided to that impacted me the most when I like a big bucket that can spill out
plant stakes in Lubbock so Mike interviewed Mike was seeing his face onto everyone around you.
could work at Reese AFB. She when he talked about Carol, Drew,
Article Submitted by
Aurora Buchanan TALKINGTON
Aurora Buchanan attends Margaret Talkington School for Young Women Leaders. She
is involved in the National Honor Society, Mock Trial, Journalism UIL, Choir and is Senior
Class President. After graduation, she plans to attend Waynesburg University where she
will major in Theology and Investigative Journalism.
Lubbock Senior Link 19