Page 18 - Senior Link Magazine Winter 2018- Online Magazine
P. 18

Arlen                  Jeri Wesley

         Like Christmas Everyday

          by Lara Woodham                                                           business more than once when
                                                                                    things didn’t go as planned. It
                                                                                    wasn’t easy, but they always
            n January of 1954, the Red                                              seemed to manage to find a way
            Raider football team was                                                to make ends meet, working hard
         Ireturning from their first ever                                           together and relying on their faith
         Gator Bowl win. Texas Tech had                                             in God.
         played Auburn in Jacksonville,
         Florida and Tech had won 35-                                               In 1992, they faced their greatest
         13, capping an 11-1 season for                                             challenge with the death of their
         Red Raider football. For Texas                                             daughter Lydia.  But true to form,
         Tech and for Lubbock, this was                                             they did not fall into the large
         an exciting time.  But for Arlen                                           percentage of couples who divorce
         Wesley, his return home from that                                          after the loss of a child; they held
         game was pivotal. As he exited                                             on tighter to one another. They
         the plane and looked down on the                                           continued to work together, with
         crowd that had assembled to greet                                          Jeri opening her own real estate
         his team, he had two young ladies                                          sales office in conjunction with
         waiting to welcome him home. He                                            their property management office,
         had gone on dates with both of                                             once again working in the same
         those women that fall, but he then                                         location.  They also took on the
         had to make a choice, and he had     longer write policies for the area.  A   task of raising their then three-
         to make it quickly.  He will tell you   change of direction was needed.   year-old grandson. By example,
         now, after 62 years of marriage, that                                    they have taught us all how to
         he made the right decision. Waiting    Lubbock was expanding, housing    stay together - that when times are
         for him at the bottom of the stairs   was needed, and Arlen and Jeri     tough, we need each other more
         was Jeri Anglin.                     decided that building and operating
                                              apartment housing would be the      than ever - and that family doesn’t
         Arlen and Jeri (my parents) married   next step.  King’s Park Apartments   end with your immediate siblings.
         two years later in January of 1956.   (now Indian Creek Apartments)      One of the greatest traditions
         Arlen graduated from Tech and took   would be their first venture into   that our family shares is how we
         a coaching job at the high school in   real estate. There was a lot to learn   celebrate Christmas.  Back in 1960,
         Jeri’s hometown of Plainview, Texas.    and much to do, but in 1973, their   when they first moved back to
         In 1958, they had their first born, a   first 206-unit complex was open for   Lubbock, Arlen and Jeri decided
         son they named Kyle. They stayed in   business.  In the late 1970s, Arlen   that they would invite the entire
         Plainview until 1960, moving back    and Jeri both got their real estate   family to spend the night on
         to make Lubbock their permanent      licenses. They shared an office at the   Christmas Eve. That way, everyone
         home. They worked together in        same real estate agency, with Arlen   could all wake up together on
         insurance and expanded their         focusing on commercial sales and    Christmas morning. For 59 years,
         family with two daughters, Lydia in   Jeri focusing on homes. Jeri went   this is what my family has done.
         1960 and Lara (me) in 1970.  In the   on to get her broker’s license; Arlen   All the grandparents, children,
         spring of 1970, Lubbock experienced   continued to build and operate     cousins, spouses and, oftentimes a
         the destruction of an F5 tornado.    multi-family housing.               friend or two, sleep at their house.
         Their family was all safe, but their                                     Where do they sleep you might
         insurance business was decimated     Life is never simple.  Together, they   ask? The answer is everywhere, on
         as insurance companies would no      rebuilt their property management

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