Page 13 - Senior Link Magazine Winter 2018- Online Magazine
P. 13

David                   Paula Seim

        Love is a Verb

         by Evan Seim Sanford

                                             “Hi, Paula! This is David . . . I’m
                                             waiting down here for you. Are you
             he was born and raised in
             Dalhart, Texas, daughter of     still coming?”
        Sa railroad man. He, son of a        Her heart skipped a beat, and she
         butcher, born in Corpus Christi,    responded, “I was just in the lobby
         moved to Lubbock as a young         and didn’t see you! Where are you?”
         teenager. They both attended Texas   “Well, I’m in the lobby of Clement
                                             Hall.”                              thought. I came along in 1977. My
                                             She giggled, “I live in Gates Hall -   mom used to always say to me
                                             you are in the wrong lobby.”        “We didn’t plan you, but God did!”
                                             As quick as he could, he made his   A self-described “homemaker”,
                                             way across the street to the right   my mom spent her days, weeks,
                                             dorm, and the love story began.     and years raising us and being a
                                                                                 supportive wife. They made a good
                                             I sure am thankful they figured that   team as parents, never hesitating to
                                             one out. That date was the beginning   let us know how much they loved
                                             of a lifetime of dates for Paula and   us.
                                             David Seim. On July 30, 1966, they
                                             married. The wedding was small,     Throughout the five decades Paula
                                             quaint - a humble way to symbolize   and David have been married, they
                                                         a profound union that   not only raised the three of us but
                                                         would bring more        welcomed seven grandchildren.
         Tech University where a                                                 They have generously served the
         mutual friend set them                          than 50 years of joy to   community of Lubbock in various
         up on a blind date.  I                          their lives and those   capacities and made many friends
         remember my mom                                 who know them. He       along the way. They’ve had the
         telling me the story                            finished his degree at   opportunity to travel around the
         about the first time he                         Tech while working      country, as well as overseas, and
         picked her up. He called                        at JCPenney. Through    shared really incredible experiences
         her room from the lobby                         the early years of      with one another. To celebrate
         of Clement Hall. She                            their marriage,         their 50th Wedding Anniversary, I
         answered the phone                              they managed an         gathered statements from friends
         and, with butterflies in                        apartment complex       and family: “Fifty things we LOVE
         her stomach, headed                             to make ends meet.      about Paula & David.” Among
         downstairs to the lobby.                        She spent her days      the things we love are phrases like
         When she got there and looked                   cleaning empty          “David always sees the good and
         around, she didn’t see him. Her     apartments as he began his career   best in each person he meets.”
         heart sank, thinking maybe he       in the banking industry. Their first   “Paula’s sweet, kind personality has
         wasn’t really interested anymore.   child, Hunter, was born in 1969.    always drawn people to love her.”
         She headed up to her room feeling   Spencer made his appearance         “An outstanding couple.” “Their
         disappointed.  When she got there,   about seven years later, and they   love for each other is timeless.”
         the phone was ringing. It was him.   were “done” having kids. So they

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