Page 22 - Senior Link Magazine Winter 2018- Online Magazine
P. 22


         What If You Need Long Term Care? by Lee Franks

           Living longer and having excellent   accounts and other assets and the ability   you are married, but like everything else,
         health care can come with a downside,   to change beneficiary designations.    the strategies come with some cost and
         as unlikely as that may seem.  Some of   Make it easy on your person of trust; give   must be done with appropriate advice.
         us outlive joints and other body parts but   them the tools they need to serve you.  Third, unless you received information
         continue to enjoy sharp and unclouded   For many folks, especially our elders,   about Medicaid from an attorney who
         minds.  Others of us keep on rocking   Medicaid provides the only access to   is a member of the National Academy
         along physically, but our cognitive   long-term, skilled nursing services.    of Elder Law Attorneys (NAELA) and
         skills begin to lag.  Either way, we can   Mistakenly, many people over 65 believe   who has a significant practice in assisting
         end up dependent on loved ones and/  that they are covered for long-term care   clients to apply for Medicaid, you
         or professional care givers to help us   by Medicare, but Medicare is a health   should not assume that any information
         through these trying times of life.  In   insurance program, covering services   is correct until you have confirmed it
         fact, most of us will need skilled nursing   designed to get you better.  If you are   with an experienced NAELA attorney,
         care at some point in our lives, briefly   not improving but have reached a   regardless of where that information
         if we are lucky, but many will need   point where long-term care is required,   came from - whether another attorney,
         such care for extended periods of time.    Medicare does not cover it and neither   a financial planner, a nursing home
         In Lubbock, that level of care can cost   do the supplementary policies linked to   employee, a social worker, a good friend,
         over $5,000 per month, although you   Medicare.                          or your cousin.  You may not doubt
         can find good care in the surrounding   Unfortunately, Medicaid for the   that they mean well, but you had better
         communities for about $4,000 per month   Elderly and People with Disabilities   confirm it.  Skilled nursing care is a costly
         and up.                             (MEPD) remains an obscure, almost    endeavor, so be sure you are getting
           Whether you have enough resources   mystical program defined by rumor,   correct information and advice.
         to pay privately for your care, have   misunderstanding, and even falsehoods.
         purchased long term care insurance, or    First of all, it is a
         will rely on Medicaid, you need to take   means-tested, long-
         steps right now that will make it easier   term care insurance
         for your family and other care givers   program provided
         to help you when difficult times arrive.    by the federal
         Really, every day is a gift, and none   government and
         of us know when the need will arise.   administered by
         Accidents, illnesses, and other physical   the State of Texas.
         struggles are not confined to the elderly.    It has no police
           Aside from a well-written Last Will   control. It does not
         and Testament, which everyone should   take your house or
         have, each of us should provide someone   your money, and
         in our family (or a close friend) with the   representatives do   3330 70th st. Suite 201 Lubbock, TX 79413
         authority to make medical decisions for   not inspect your
         us when we cannot, the authority to keep   home.   Simply                    (806) 368-8805
         up with our care and condition.  We need   put, if you meet
         to execute a Medical Power of Attorney,   the qualifications,                            fax: (806) 686-0444
         a HIPAA Release and Authorization,   MEPD will cover
         and a Directive to Physicians, Family   the remaining                                  Medicaid Qualification
         or Surrogates. This gives someone you   nursing home                                   Supplemental Needs Trusts
         trust the authority to manage your affairs   expense AFTER    Lee Franks               Estate Planning
         when you cannot or when it is more   you have paid all                                 Guardianship
         convenient for you.  You can even take   you can from your
         a further step and execute a Statutory   current income.                               Probate
         Durable Power of Attorney.            Second, there are
           If Medicaid is even a remote      numerous planning                                    Your Elder Law
         possibility, you should consider giving   opportunities to                            Estate Planning Team
         your agent robust gifting authority   explore if you need
         and the ability to change or create   care or might need           Laura Beth Pleasant
         survivorship provisions on financial   care, especially if                           FPLAWTEAM.COM

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