Page 14 - Senior Link Magazine Winter 2018- Online Magazine
P. 14

explained to me that she   word about each other. Their love,
                                                       had noticed my mom’s      that began so long ago, has been a
                                                       gradual loss of mobility:   blessing to me, to my brothers, and
                                                       from being in a boot,     to so many who know them. These
                                                       to using a cane, then a   two incredible people, brought
                                                       walker, and eventually    together by that friend in college,
                                                       a wheelchair. She said    have set an example to us all that
                                                       every time they came      love is more than just a word. Love
                                                       in to the restaurant,     is a verb; it is choosing to regard
                                                       she noticed how gentle    another’s needs above your own. It is
                                                       and kind my dad was       because they have chosen to live this
                                                       toward my mom. He         out in their marriage that Paula and
                                                       always made sure she      David’s relationship has stood the
         Many times throughout my life,                was comfortable and had   test of time. Their love, their story, is
         people will discover whose daughter   what she needed. This waitress, who   beautiful.
         I am and then proceed to tell me    didn’t really know them, could see
         how much they love my mom and       their love, and it made an impression
         dad. They go on and on about what   on her.
         a good guy David is and rave about
         how sweet                                      My brothers and I
         and beautiful                                  grew up seeing
         Paula is. I                                    our dad work
         cannot count                                   hard not only
         the number of                                  for her and for
         times this has                                 us, but for the
         happened, and                                  community
         my response is                                 as well. We
         always “Thank                                  learned from
         you... I think                                 him the
         so too!” It’s a                                significance of
         neat thing to                                  servanthood
         hear about the                                 and how
         impact they                                    important it
         have made in                                   is to “do the
         others’ lives.                                 right thing”.
                                                        His kindness
         One evening, several years ago, this   and generosity is known
         happened in an unlikely place, and   all over town. From our
         the conversation has stayed with    mom, we learned what it
         me. After having dinner at Mean     means to keep “a smile on
         Woman Grill, before we walked out   your face and a song in your
         of the restaurant, a waitress stopped   heart”. She’s been his biggest
         me and asked if I was David and     cheerleader, supporting and
         Paula’s daughter. They used to eat   encouraging him every day.
         there often, and she hadn’t seen    From the both of them, we
         them in a while. I was a little taken   learned what commitment
         aback that this waitress took the   is. We heard them say “I
         time to ask about my parents and    love you” to each other on a
         share her concern for my mom. She   daily basis and never did we
                                             hear them speak an unkind

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