Page 23 - Senior Link Magazine Winter 2018- Online Magazine
P. 23
Identifying the Early Signs/Symptoms
of Alzheimer’s EARLY DETECTION by Lisa Carson
It should come as no surprise that the Trouble managing finances or solving laundry and housekeeping to meal
world of Alzheimer’s research and problems preparation and transportation. Learn
awareness is huge. Millions across the Reluctance to plan for future events, more about how we can help seniors
nation and around the world have been especially for those who typically and other adult clients by contacting
affected by the disease in some form, volunteer their time to plan Comfort Keepers today at 806-687-7800.
whether in dealing with their own Becoming lost while driving,
diagnosis or that of a loved one. When it especially on familiar roads References:
comes to Alzheimer’s awareness, one of Disengaging from work, favorite Harvard Health Publishing – Harvard
the most vital components is education, pastimes/hobbies, or social events Medical School. “Looking for early signs
not only about what Alzheimer’s is, but Increased change in mood and of Alzheimer’s.” Web. 2017.
also concerning the research being done personality Alzheimer’s Association. “10 Early Signs
to find a cure. Early detection, one of Poor judgment or decision making and Symptoms of Alzheimer’s.” Web.
the aspects of Alzheimer’s education Difficulty following or joining 2018.
that was once less emphasized, is now a conversation, struggling with Reader’s Digest. “10 Early Signs of
receiving more attention. That’s because vocabulary, and using the wrong words Alzheimer’s Every Adult Should Know”
further research and testing is being for everyday things by Lauren Gelman. Web. 2018.
conducted on how the brain starts to Inability to judge distance/space and
change years before severe symptoms understand visual images The Alzheimer’s Association
occur in Alzheimer’s patients. Easily – and frequently – losing track estimates that only 33%
of time of seniors diagnosed with
As a result of this research, Sleep problems (falling or staying Alzheimer’s are aware they
organizations are aiming to increase the asleep) have the disease.
number of people who are aware of their Misplacing items
diagnosis. An Alzheimer’s diagnosis is and lacking the ability
extraordinarily difficult for everyone to retrace steps to find
involved, but identifying it sooner rather them
than later can often make a significant Increased anxiety
impact on quality of life. Early detection or feelings of
not only allows for the possibility of depression
participating in clinical trials, but it Difficulty
also provides patients and families the completing familiar
chance to plan for what’s to come and to tasks at home
find the appropriate level of care.
Comfort Keepers
Early Signs/Symptoms of Can Help
Alzheimer’s At Comfort Keepers,
Below are some of the common early our professional
symptoms and signs of Alzheimer’s care team is trained
that senior clients and family caregivers to identify changes
can be on the lookout for. If clients or in client behavior
family caregivers notice some of these and report them
signs, they should schedule a physician to the family. For
appointment. those suffering
from Alzheimer’s
Forgetting recently learned or dementia, our
information, important dates/events, caregivers can help
or repeatedly asking for the same them remain safe and
information comfortable at home,
Expressing worry or concern about while providing
memory capabilities everything from
Lubbock Senior Link 23