Page 15 - Senior Link Magazine Winter 2018- Online Magazine
P. 15

The Hurst Brothers

        West Texas Style

         as told by their wives

                 ost people on the South     hide the sweet potatoes in his pants   time. The Y chromosome continues
                 Plains are familiar with the   cuffs like his brothers.          to dominate into the next generation
        MHurst name, especially if                                                - 20 more boys and only five girls.
         you’ve ever needed a tractor. What   There’s the time Michael drove his
         you may not know is that this family   car into a pond. Bob, whose birthday   Red died in 1986, and Grace in
         of six brothers exemplifies the best   is on Christmas Day, remembers the   2005. The family had always been
         in brotherly relationships. None of   only year he actually got a birthday   close, but it was at Grace’s funeral
         them are willing to brag about it, so   gift - a red rubber ball; and the   that a fraternal pact was made. The
         Senior Link asked their wives to talk   time Grace apologized to Kerry for   brothers and their wives decided to
         about what they have observed over   giving him a spanking he didn’t     make an annual Brothers’ Weekend
         the decades.                        deserve, but then qualified it with,   a priority. Every summer, the
                                             “You probably missed one you did     twelve adults have found time to
         Kim and Kerry reside in Lubbock.    deserve.”                            be together. They have explored
         Kerry has retired as a UMC pastor                                        Lubbock’s Depot District, visited
         but helps his brothers at Hurst Farm   The boys grew up and married      Fredericksburg, had picnics, taken a
         Supply.                             - Michael to Ellen at Lubbock’s      riverboat cruise, hiked at Palo Duro
         Kim sets up the story:              Broadway Drug                                       Canyon, enjoyed
         LJ “Red” and Grace Hurst married in   in 1979, with                                     Moonlight Musicals,
         Abilene in 1941 and gave the world   friend Joe Ely                                     and even visited
         six boys: Michael “RoundMan”        in attendance.                                      cemeteries. The
         (1942), Robert Clinton “Bob” 1943,   Terry married                                      whole extended
         Twins Terry Foster and Kerry        Sheri in 1972.                                      family of 50+ gathers
         Wooten (1951), Joe Donald (1956) and   When Kerry and                                   every Christmas,
         Andrew Riley “Andy” (1962) who      Kim married                                         but the Brothers’
         came along when his mother was 40.  in 1973, the                                        Weekend is when
                                             other brothers                                      the fraternal bonds
         Red and Grace moved to Lubbock      hid little Andy                                     are maintained and
         after WWII so that Grace could      under some                                          secured.
         attend Texas Tech. After a few years,   balloons in the
         Red received the contract for a John   back of the car.                                 Bob and Roxanne
         Deere dealership. In 1955, he moved   Five miles later,                                 moved to Raider
         his growing family to a small, two-  he jumped out                                      Ranch after years
         bedroom house in Lorenzo.           and yelled,                                         in Lorenzo and
                                             “Surprise!” Bob                                     Dalhart, where he
         A house full of boys lends itself to a   and Roxanne married in 1974, Joe   taught high school Ag; and Friona,
         colorful family history. Anecdotes   married Christy later that year. Andy   where he owned Parmer County Case
         abound, like the time Kerry was the   and Janey were the last to marry in   and Claas Implement Co.
         only one who didn’t get to go to a   1983. Thirteen boys and only three   Roxanne shared her observations:
         movie with his Grandmother Foster   girls born to these unions ensures the   When Bob took me home to meet the
         because he didn’t figure out how to   Hurst name will be around for a long   family, it was overwhelming.  The

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