Page 17 - Senior Link Magazine Winter 2018- Online Magazine
P. 17

help, the brothers will be                                                 us in, and what great
            there, no matter what.                                                     memories they all enjoyed!
            Each of them has their own                                                 They reminisced about the
            families, and we see the                                                   small bedroom with three
            generations coming after                                                   sets of bunkbeds, and how,
            them being raised in the                                                   when Andy came along,
            same environment of trust                                                  Grace and Red moved their
            and love. It is a tremendous                                               beds to the dining room.
            blessing to be a part of this                                              That was a great weekend!
            big circle of love.
                                                                                       The brothers check on each
            Ellen, who lives in Austin,                                                other often, and there’s a
            lost her husband Michael in                                                group text going all the
            2012, but she has her own
            testimony about the special       cherished their family
            brand of love he shared with his   so well?
            brothers, and which she still enjoys
            to this day:                      From the earliest
                                              memories I have of
            The first time I met the family was   the family, the Hurst
            at Thanksgiving. RoundMan had     brothers have been
            not told me how large his family   close. They actually
            was, so when I walked in and saw   enjoy each other’s
            everyone, I thought the entire    company. They may
            extended family was there. Then   not always agree,
            he started introducing me to this   but they always have
            brother and that brother and the   each other’s back.
            wives, and I realized it was just the   They always come running to   time. The preacher brothers, Kerry
            one big family. I was welcomed as   each other’s aid, and they always   and Andy, tell stories of their
            one of them immediately. What a   attend family funerals, weddings,   brothers in almost every sermon.
            treasure they all are! Each of the   birthday parties, Christmas    And the two are proud of the fact
            brothers has their own opinion, and   dinners, graduations and adoption   that they have officiated at many
            they often have discussions, never   celebrations. The game of 42 will   of their nieces’ and nephews’
            heated, just civil discussions. This   bring them together better than   weddings.
            doesn’t mean they don’t correct   anything!
            each other. I remember one time                                     It is such an honor to be a part
            when they all walked back to one of   She recalled a special Brother’s   of this family and to witness the
            the bedrooms for a “brothers’ only”   Weekend:                      brotherly love these six men have
            conversation. To this day, I don’t   I remember the weekend everyone   for each other.
            think anyone but the brothers know   came to our house. My husband,
            what they were discussing. I do   Terry Foster, got his collection of   This verse describes them well:
            know they all came out with tears,   old classic cars out of his shop   “To sum up, all of you be
            hugging each other. Tears, hugs,   and let each brother choose which   harmonious, sympathetic,
            accountability, laughter, smiles,   car they wanted to drive. We all   brotherly, kindhearted, and humble
            prayers, love . . . that about sums   drove to Lorenzo in a caravan - one   in spirit, not returning evil for
            up the Hurst brothers.            couple in a ‘66 Chevelle, another   evil or insult for insult, but giving
                                              in a ‘57 Buick, another in the ‘66   a blessing instead, for you were
            From Sheri:                       Corvette, one in the ‘32 Ford; and   called for the very purpose that you
            How could the six Hurst boys      Terry and I rode in the 1940 Ford.   might inherit a blessing.”
            not have “brotherly love” when    We drove to their childhood home.   I Peter 3:8-9
            they were raised by parents who   The woman who lived there invited

                                                                                             Lubbock Senior Link  17
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