Page 69 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2025 - Online Magazine
P. 69


        a simple idea—born out of love      collected help brighten the holidays   classes. To quote her father, Davis,
        and loss—could unite an entire      for more and more children in        “She was always upside down.”
        community. The magnitude of         Lubbock and surrounding areas.
        donations made it clear that Charli’s                                    With this in mind, Lake Ridge
        legacy of giving resonates with     Expanding Charli’s Legacy:           Chapel and Memorial Designers
        everyone.                           Announcing “The Charli Jones         set up the Charli Jones Tumbling
                                            Tumbling Scholarship Fund”           Scholarship Fund, which we hope
        The toys collected each year are                                         will make gymnastics accessible to
        distributed to local families, schools,   As Charli’s Tree continues to grow,   a few children who might otherwise
        and charitable organizations that   so does its impact. Along with toy   be unable to afford classes. While
        serve children in need, ensuring that   donations, Lake Ridge Chapel also   the monetary donations received
        they, too, will get to experience the   receives monetary contributions   will continue to be used to purchase
        joy of the holidays.                each year. These donations are used   additional toys, a portion will now
                                            to purchase additional toys to bless   go to the new scholarship fund,
        Charli’s Tree has grown each year,   more children.                      allowing children in need to learn,
        with more donations and more                                             grow, and build confidence through
        people contributing to the cause.   Over the years, we have become       gymnastics, just as Charli did.
        LRCMD now hosts “Christmas in       very close to the Jones family. In
        July,” a special interactive movie   November of last year, David and    With the support of TexStar
        night, to jump-start the collection   Kerri opened their home to us, and   Athletics, a local gymnastics facility
        of toys. The official toy drive is   we were welcomed with genuine love   where Charli attended classes, the
        launched with our “Annual Charli’s   and humbling graciousness. It was   Charli Jones Tumbling Scholarship
        Tree Lighting Ceremony” in mid-     the first time we had sat down with   Fund will begin to help children
        November and spans the several      her parents and siblings for a rare   who otherwise might not have
        weeks leading up to Christmas.      opportunity to visit with them about   had the chance to participate. This
                                            Charli, and the impact that her life   will ensure that Charli’s love for
        For us, Charli’s Tree is more than   continues to make. When asked how   tumbling—and her spirit of giving—
        just a toy drive—it is a symbol of   they would like to see Charli’s Tree   lives on through future generations.
        the kindness and compassion that    evolve in the future, they shared a
        can blossom out of tragedy. Lake    powerful vision: they would like to   The success of Charli’s Tree over
        Ridge Chapel is not only dedicated   see the monetary donations be used   the past few years has been nothing
        to keeping Charli’s memory alive    to help fund classes for children who   short of remarkable. The toy drive
        but has also created something      may not be able to take tumbling.    has grown exponentially, with more
        that serves as a beacon of hope for   This idea was especially meaningful   donations and greater community
        children who may be struggling.     because Charli had always been so    participation each year. But even
        Each year, the impact of Charli’s Tree   passionate about gymnastics and   more significant is the lasting impact
        spreads further, as the donations   had spent her young life enjoying the   of Charli’s legacy.

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