Page 64 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2025 - Online Magazine
P. 64
Joe Morris
Best of
the Best
by Addyson Mitchell
inoka Joe Morris is one a stock show. You could see his Although I am not blood-related
of the best men that I’ve compassion when he went to my to my Pops, he means more to me
Vmet. There are no words to daddy-daughter dance when than anything in the world. The
describe the greatness he holds. my dad couldn’t make it. You way he sings to worship the Lord,
He is compassionate and caring; could see his character when he even though he is always a little
he is generous and kind. He is a took my Grancy, mom, and her off key; the way he cares for our
Godly man, and you can see it sisters in as his own. Nothing livestock, although some days it
with every step he takes. You can can truly describe who my Pops hurts him more than others; the
see his true character when he is is. No words properly convey way he pushed himself to be the
working with livestock. You can his character. You just have to best he could be for my Grancy,
see his perseverance when he experience it, and I have been my mother, and her sisters even
stays late plowing cotton. You can blessed to be able to experience his though he did not have to—all of
see his generosity when he feeds love. that shows me who he is. When
some random homeless person you see him, you see an amazing
after having a rough morning at My Pops grew up in a middle- man who has sacrificed himself for
class rural family. My (great) his family. When you see my Pops,
Granddaddy and Gigi raised him you see a representation of the
to be an astonishing man, and he Lord, and I think that is the best
has surpassed that. He was raised quality anyone can have in life.
with two brothers and worked all
the time. My Gigi actually set up Although my Pops is a man of
my grandparents; she was a great tradition, he pushed me to be more
matchmaker. My Pops and his than what he was. When my family
family grew up very frugally since thought about moving back to
my great-grandparents had lived Petersburg, he said something that
through the Great Depression. My I’d never forget. He said, “As much
Pops learned sacrifice, compassion, as I would love to see you every
and generosity from childhood. day, eat supper with you, and go
to church with you, Petersburg
My Pops does not do anything does not have the resources to help
for the betterment of himself, he you flourish. You are a chef, and
does it for the betterment of others. Petersburg can’t help you become
64 Lubbock Senior Link