Page 73 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2025 - Online Magazine
P. 73

        A WORD OF Encouragement

                                                                            by Hannah Agee               Inspiration

                                       proud of yourself and what    this be a season of growth
                                       you have accomplished,        and discovery for you. Do
         Dear High School Seniors,
                                       and be supportive of the      not be afraid of the changes
         As exciting as all the        things that your friends have   to come. I promise you that,
         graduation fun is between     accomplished.                 although it is scary, the
         parties, family, friends, food,   Build a strong community of   “commencement” of this
         and that fancy piece of paper,   people who love and support   next exciting phase of your
         eventually all that fun will   you to help you make sense   life story is going to produce
         calm down, and reality will   of the new aspects of life that   some of the best memories of
         start to set in. As the season   you are going to be facing.   your life.
         of change comes closer and    Choosing people who are
         closer, I would like to inspire   not only going to build you
         you with a few words of       up but also encourage you to
         encouragement and support     take leaps of faith out of your
         from someone who has just     comfort zone will make all
         made this daunting transition   the difference.                       Building Trust, One Fix at a Time
         into the “real world.”
                                       Finally, look to the older
         I would start by saying       generations as a source of
         that graduation marks the     inspiration for achievement
         beginning of a new season     and growth. Every single one
         for everyone, and everyone’s   of your mentors has been
         experiences are going to be   through this season of life
         different. Comparison is the   and has gained wisdom that
         thief of joy, and comparison   they are hoping to share with
         is only going to make the     you. Be open and receptive to
         change harder. Be mindful     their advice for you.
         that you have all come
         from different journeys,      There is no manual
         and you will all go on to     explaining how to navigate
         achieve different things. It   your next chapter and no
         is natural and expected to    textbook definition of what
         be uncertain and nervous      success will look like after
         about moving on but be        you walk the stage, but let                     806-793-7693
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