Page 70 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2025 - Online Magazine
P. 70


       The Charli Jones Tumbling           of giving. Charli’s family has made
       Scholarship Fund will be another    it clear that their goal is not just to
       example of how Charli’s family has   honor Charli’s memory, but also to
       turned their grief into something   inspire others to live with the same
       positive. In many ways, this new    spirit of selflessness that Charli did.
       initiative is an extension of the values
       that Lake Ridge Chapel and Charli’s   Whether through donating toys or
       family have always held dear—the    supporting the vision with monetary
       belief that helping others is one of   donations, anyone can participate in
       the most important things we can do   this wonderful cause and help spread
       in life.                            Charli’s legacy of generosity. As the
                                           tradition of Charli’s Tree continues
       Charli’s Tree is more than just     to grow, it will undoubtedly inspire
       a holiday charity. It is a living,   us to embrace the power of giving
       breathing testament to Charli Jones’   and to carry on Charli’s mission of   SCAN HERE
       life and the values we embody.      helping others. Through the efforts
       What began as a small, personal     of Lake Ridge Chapel, Charli’s         To experience a
       request has blossomed into a major   family, and our amazing community,    “life-changing” interview
       community effort that touches the   Charli’s memory will continue to live   with Charli’s parents.
       lives of countless children each year.  on, bringing joy and hope to local
                                           children for generations to come.
       As Charli’s Tree continues to grow,
       it remains a reminder of the power

           Your support allows us to provide mini-grants for equipment  wisdom inspired senior education
            and services not covered by insurance, monthly support
             group meetings and education, as well as other support  A place for
              services that are necessary for battling this disease.
                                                                   seniors to
           For more information on how to support the West Texas ALS
                      Support Group, please visit                  belong!
                                                                   Join Lake Ridge’s W.I.S.E.
                                                                   (Wisdom Inspired Senior
                                                                   Education) group for
                                                                   dinners, events, and
                                                                   workshops on the 1  and 3                       ©2021 MKJ Marketing
                                                                   Tuesday of every month.
                                                                   Topics include:
                                                                 • Health & Wellness
                                                                 • Safety & Prevention
                                                                 • Changes As We Age         PRESENTED
                                                                      Join us as we            LAKE RIDGE
                                                                                                ha l &  emo ia   esigne
                                                                   continue to WISE up!
                     Scan QR code to go to                         Event coordinator:                (806) 698-8085
                                                                   Laura Landes

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