Page 61 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2025 - Online Magazine
P. 61
good, the bad, and the ugly—and, trust me, it gets ugly. is so tired and exhausted—mentally, physically, and
To have ones who don’t judge and just listen and love emotionally and asks, “Are you going to be okay if I
and who know when you need a hug to make it through never walk again? If I am wheelchair bound, you can’t
another day. This circle has saved you, and they don’t keep lifting my wheelchair forever...” and he is looking
even know it. When you are facing yet another surgery at the bruises on your arms and legs from wrangling his
and not sure if you can do it all again. You are unsure of wheelchair in and out of vehicles. A myriad of emotions
your own strength and finally voice it, and your circle flood through you in that moment of time.
tells you, “You are stronger than you think.”
You have to have enough faith and trust for both of you
Visually seeing the missing limb for the very first that we will survive, no matter what the final chapter
time—and collapsing to the floor in crushing grief. is....
You thought you were prepared, but the actual reality
knocks the wind out of you. You are so glad your
partner wasn’t awake to witness the overwhelming We Honor Veterans is a program of Hospice of
pain you were feeling for him—the avid softball player, Lubbock that provides food, hygiene and paper good
hunter, and electrician now are no more. Now, he is a
RAKA (right above knee amputee). But your circle was items to Veterans. Veterans do not have to be on
there to lift you up and dust you off. hospice for this assistance. If you are a Veteran or
know of a Veteran in need, please call Hospice of
This is just the beginning—again, of a roller coaster Lubbock at 806-795-2751. If you are interested in
ride. The ups and downs, the excitement and hope, supporting the veteran food pantry, donations are
the heartache of the prosthetic world. One prosthesis, greatly needed and appreciated and may be dropped
two prostheses—throw in a revision of six more inches off at Hospice of Lubbock, 3702 21st Street.
removed, and your partner is in his third prosthetic leg.
It’s definitely a roller coaster of emotions. Your partner
The Region’s ONLY Pediatric & Adult Hospice
806-795-2751 or 800-658-2648
Lubbock Senior Link 61