Page 62 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2025 - Online Magazine
P. 62


                                                                   Laura Garcia


                                                                   de Español


                                                                   by Ashlynn Bunnell

                    rs. Garcia, or ¨Señora¨ as I   or larger materials to present to the   international trips to Europe and Costa
                    call her, has been teaching   class because she believed in my   Rica in the summer, giving students
            Mfor 30 years and started at       ability and knew it would strengthen   the chance to practice Spanish while
            my school 11 years ago. I joined her   my knowledge. I remember her   also getting to experience new
            Spanish class, and that experience   assigning me the story of La Casa de   cultures. Now, many Spanish students
            has shaped my life in ways I never   Bernarda Alba to present to the class,   have an amazing chance to travel to
            expected. When I entered her Spanish   a play which was longer than most   these places and experience things
            2 class as an eighth grader, I was   of the other literature pieces we   many of us have never been able to do
            unsure what to expect, but I soon   analyzed. Upon receiving this task,   before. Another instance is when she
            began experiencing her kindness    I was worried, but she reassured   entered her advanced Spanish classes
            and support, especially when I came   me. In the end it provided me with   into a competition at Wayland Baptist
            to her about my concerns regarding   a deeper understanding of the   University, something none of us had
            my performance in the class. She   unit and of the nuances of Spanish   the chance of doing because COVID-19
            responded with encouragement and   literature and culture, which she later   prevented many of those competitions
            recommendations, such as tutoring   told me she knew would happen.   for  years. We practiced for months,
            before or after school. That was the   She also expanded my learning   including weekends, and although
            beginning of our relationship and   beyond the textbook, incorporating   we did not perform exceptionally at
            my journey to loving Spanish, which   and encouraging Spanish movies,   competitions, she continued to treat
            I then knew included a support     podcasts, and books to enhance our   us with the same respect and love as
            system. Señora has impacted my life   fluency.                       always. These experiences allowed
            by helping me realize the value of                                   not only me, but other students as
            perseverance, hard work, and the   While the tasks were tough, she   well to branch out and experience
            power of encouragement through her   always had confidence in me and   Spanish in unique ways outside of the
            consistent support inside and outside   built me up to be not only a strong   classroom. These opportunities have
            of the classroom.                  student, but a person as well.  These   not only expanded my knowledge of
                                               activities for the language and course   the language but also enriched my
            Señora’s influence kept me in her   have allowed me to develop not only   perspective and made me a more
            classes throughout the years, even   confidence as a student, but ultimately,   confident person in Spanish.
            as I moved into more challenging   a love for the language.
            AP Spanish courses. She recognized                                   I am unfortunately no longer in her
            the difficulty of the material and   Beyond the classroom, Señora offered   class  as  there  are  no  more  advanced
            pushed me to succeed. Specifically,   incredible opportunities that furthered   Spanish courses for me to take, but I still
            she would give me some of the harder   my growth. She brought attention to   visit  regularly  because  she  continues

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