Page 58 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2025 - Online Magazine
P. 58



                                                              POLICE CHIEF

                                                             Goes to the Movies?

                                                         Tom Nichols

                                                             by Marita Tedder

               ou may know the name Tom Nichols from the        Tom worked with the local community and earned their
               seven years he spent as Lubbock’s Chief of       trust. He created a police station there that became the
         YPolice (1983-1990). Or, from the eleven years he      model for community-oriented team policing. Tom also
         worked to create, develop, and lead the LISD Police    helped develop Tucson’s K-9 unit.
         Department—which started with nothing but a desk and
         a chair and, thanks to the leadership of Dr. Mike Moses,   Those relationships and experiences are the foundation
         was ahead of its time for smaller communities like     of many of Tom’s stories.
                                                                Once he retired, Tom began writing his stories—though
         Before moving to Lubbock, Tom had worked his way up    he had no real knowledge of how to write fiction. His
         in the Tucson Police Department from a young police    first novel is The Color of the Prism which is set in Tucson
         officer (the role he held in 1963 when he met his wife   and revolves around the violent cartel and drug kingpins
         Gwen) to a Deputy Chief when he was hired away to      he dealt with as a cop. Once written and published in
         become Lubbock’s Police Chief. But, if things continue   2012, Tom set out to promote the book. Knowing his
         as they appear to be heading, you may soon see his     first buyers would likely be fellow police officers, Tom
         name on the big screen—bringing new attention to this   searched the internet for cops with websites. Every
         Lubbock star.                                          day for a month, he sent three promotional emails out
                                                                to these officers. One recipient was Tim, a San Jose
         Tom Nichols has always been creative and, with 48 years   motorcycle officer who also had an aerial photography
         of police work behind him, he has plenty of stories.   business that served the movie industry.

         While a police officer, Tom did technical writing and got   Through that contact, Tom and Gwen (who have now
         a degree in Public Administration from the University of   been married for 60 years) were invited to a ritzy
         Arizona. Additionally, he is a graduate from several law   Mulholland Drive party filled with retired movie
         enforcement specific programs: FBI National Academy,   industry people. There Tom met Tim for the first time.
         the FBI Executive Development Program, and the Senior   With 100 people present, Tom was the only one there
         Management Institute
         for Police at Harvard
         University. The top
         brass knew of his skills
         and often moved him
         into positions where his
         expertise would shine.
         He was frequently tasked
         with fixing department
         problems. One such
         assignment was in the
         mostly Hispanic section of
         Tucson—where his wife
         Gwen was a schoolteacher.

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