Page 38 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2025 - Online Magazine
P. 38


             a wound care specialist right   2. MUSCLE HEMATOMA:                 4. PAIN RELIEF:
             away to help prevent infection
             and speed up healing.           •   Swelling and firmness in the    •   Over-the-counter pain relievers
                                                 affected muscle                    like acetaminophen or
         •   Use a silicone dressing to                                             ibuprofen. Avoid aspirin, as it
             minimize further damage         •   Restricted movement or pain        may increase bleeding.
             during dressing changes.            with use of the muscle
                                                                                 MODERATE OR LARGE
         6. SEEK PROFESSIONAL CARE:          3. SEVERE OR INTERNAL               HEMATOMAS:
         •   For severe wounds (continued                                        MEDICAL EVALUATION:
             bleeding, deep or extensive     •   Head: Headache, confusion,
             surface area) consider a wound      drowsiness, or loss of          •   Seek medical attention if the
             care specialist appointment         consciousness (indicates           hematoma is large, painful, or
             right away.                         potential intracranial             continues to grow.
         •   Ensure tetanus vaccination is                                       •   Your doctor may recommend
             up to date if the injury involves   •   Abdomen: Abdominal pain,       draining the hematoma if it is
             dirt or debris.                     swelling, or signs of internal     causing significant discomfort
                                                 bleeding (e.g., pale skin,         or pressure.
         By addressing both the underlying       dizziness, low blood pressure)
         causes of falls and providing                                           •   Warmth or pus drainage (may
         appropriate treatment, many falls   •   Joints: Pain, swelling, and        indicate infection)
         and their complications can be          limited range of motion in a    •   Difficulty moving or using the
         effectively managed.                    joint (e.g., knee or elbow)
                                                                                    affected area
         HEMATOMA AFTER A FALL: SIGNS,                                           •   Neurological symptoms (e.g.,
                                             TREATMENT FOR HEMATOMAS                confusion, vision changes)
         WHAT IS A HEMATOMA?                 Treatment depends on the size,      •   Signs of shock: pale skin, rapid
         A hematoma is a localized           location, and symptoms of the          pulse, or fainting
         collection of blood outside the     hematoma:                           Timely treatment helps ensure
         blood vessels, typically caused     SMALL OR MILD HEMATOMAS             proper healing and prevents
         by trauma such as a fall. It occurs   (E.G., BRUISES):                  complications.
         when blood leaks from damaged
         blood vessels and collects in tissues,   1. REST AND ELEVATION:
         under the skin, or in a body cavity.
                                             •   Limit movement of the affected
         SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS OF A                 area.
                                             •   Elevate the injured area to
         The symptoms depend on the              reduce swelling.
         location, size, and severity of the
         hematoma:                           2. ICE APPLICATION:

         1. SKIN OR SUBCUTANEOUS TISSUE      •   Apply a cold pack wrapped in
         HEMATOMA (BRUISE):                      a cloth for 15–20 minutes every
                                                 1–2 hours during the first 48
         •   Discolored skin (red, purple,       hours.
             blue, or green as it heals)
                                             •   Reduces bleeding, swelling, and
         •   Swelling or a firm lump under       pain
             the skin
                                             3. COMPRESSION:
         •   Tenderness or pain at the site
                                             •   Use an elastic bandage to gently
         •   Warmth over the area (in some       compress the area (not too
             cases)                              tight).

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