Page 37 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2025 - Online Magazine
P. 37

SENIOR RESOURCES                                   SENIOR RESOURCES

             causes of falls in seniors

             CAUSES OF FALLS IN SENIORS       •   Dehydration or poor             detection devices for high-
                                                  nutrition: Weakness or          risk individuals.
             Falls in older adults can be         dizziness from inadequate
             caused by a variety of factors,      intake                       TREATMENT FOR SKIN INJURY
             including:                                                        AFTER A FALL
                                              PREVENTION OF FALLS
             1. INTRINSIC FACTORS (RELATED                                     1. FIRST AID
             TO THE INDIVIDUAL):              1. ENVIRONMENT
                                              MODIFICATIONS:                   •   Clean the wound: Gently
             •   Balance issues: Vestibular                                       rinse with clean water to
                 problems, muscle weakness,   •   Remove trip hazards (e.g.,      remove debris.
                 or neurological conditions       rugs, cords).                •   Control bleeding: Apply
                 (e.g., Parkinson’s, stroke)
                                              •   Install grab bars in bathrooms   gentle pressure with a clean
             •   Chronic conditions:              and railings on stairs.         cloth or bandage.
                 Osteoarthritis, diabetes, or                                  •   Assess the wound: Look for
                 cardiovascular disease       •   Improve lighting in all areas
                                                  of the home.                    deep cuts, signs of infection,
             •   Medication side effects:                                         or foreign objects.
                 Dizziness, sedation,         •   Use non-slip mats and
                 or hypotension from              footwear.                    2. APPLY A DRESSING:
                 medications like             2. HEALTH MANAGEMENT:            •   Use an antibiotic ointment to
                 antihypertensives, sedatives,                                    prevent infection.
                 or diuretics                 •   Address underlying health
                                                  conditions and optimize      •   Cover with a sterile, non-stick
             •   Sensory deficits: Poor vision,   treatment.                      dressing or bandage.
                 hearing loss, or peripheral
                 neuropathy                   •   Review medications with      3. MONITOR FOR INFECTION:
                                                  a doctor to minimize side
             •   Cognitive impairment:            effects.                     •   Look for redness, swelling,
                 Dementia or confusion can                                        warmth, or pus.
                 lead to poor judgment or     •   Schedule regular vision and
                 missteps.                        hearing checks.              •   Seek wound care specialist
                                                                                  treatment if the wound does
             2. EXTRINSIC FACTORS             3. PHYSICAL ACTIVITY:               not heal, shows signs of
             (ENVIRONMENTAL):                                                     infection, or is deep.
                                              •   Engage in balance and
             •   Unsafe surroundings:             strength training (e.g., water   4. PAIN MANAGEMENT:
                 Clutter, slippery floors, loose   aerobics or physical therapy).
                 rugs, or poor lighting                                        •   Over-the-counter pain
                                              •   Ensure regular walking or       relievers (e.g., acetaminophen
             •   Improper footwear: Shoes         light exercise to maintain      or ibuprofen).
                 without adequate support or      mobility.
                 non-slip soles                                                5. SKIN TEARS:
                                              4. ASSISTIVE DEVICES:
             3. BEHAVIORAL FACTORS:                                            •   If the skin flap is intact,
                                              •   Use walking aids like canes     gently place it back in
             •   Risky activities: Climbing       or walkers as needed.           position before dressing.
                 on furniture, rushing, or
                 multitasking                 •   Consider alarms or fall-     •   Skin tears can be treated by

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