Page 42 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2025 - Online Magazine
P. 42


              Douglas Brooks

              A Lion for


              by Ethan Dugger

                ecoming a “lion for Christ” is difficult without   Authority is a pivotal aspect of Mr. Brooks’ character.
                any supporting instruction. I have been a      He speaks with authority and confidence daily, urging
          BChristian throughout my life, but it wasn’t         us to do the same. Through weekly exercises and
           until I met my Bible teacher, Douglas Brooks, that   class discussion, Mr. Brooks guides us to become
           I understood what it meant to be a Christian. After   more confident and authoritative in our speech. His
           moving to Lubbock from Idaho in 2022, I felt lost not   challenging questions encourage us to achieve that
           only in life but also with God. I grew up around and   confidence for ourselves. Additionally, he backs every
           received instruction from many who lived a Christian   statement in class with biblical and historical evidence.
           lifestyle but failed to comprehend the importance of   One of Mr. Brooks’ favorite quotes is, “Don’t take
           a relationship with God. Mr. Brooks experienced a   my word for it, research for yourself and make your
           near-death car accident and even a time of rejecting the   decision.” These words have prompted a new habit for
           gospel many years ago. However, through his excellent   me of reading and researching.
           Bible class, Mr. Brooks has empowered me to become a
           “lion” for Christ which I describe as building a deeper   With only an hour of class each day, Mr. Brooks has
           relationship with God through wisdom, authority,    learned to beat the tight schedule by being direct
           directness, and honesty.                            and blunt. I believe directness is the evidence of
                                                               an emotionally stable person. And it saves time.
           Mr. Brooks is the wisest man I have ever encountered.   Often, one’s opinion can be changed by a direct and
           A master’s in theology, a bachelor’s in psychology, and   authoritative statement, and Mr. Brooks has done
           thirty years as a pastor have fueled his understanding   that on many occasions. His example of directness
           of religion and the human mind. However, Mr. Brooks   has shined a light on an attribute I overlooked for
           always listens to others’ ideas no matter how correct or   many years. It’s still hard for me to say something
           incorrect they may be. This has helped me understand   directly, not knowing how someone will react, but Mr.
           that everyone has different viewpoints. After spending   Brooks has shown me how to be direct in a way that
           three years of instruction with Mr. Brooks, I have come   builds others up. I have seen noticeable growth in my
           to believe that wisdom cannot be completely taught,   straightforwardness as a result of studying under Mr.
           rather it is an attained trait through gaining as much   Brooks.
           knowledge as possible. A personal study of the Bible
           and general learning are required to grasp wisdom   Lastly, honesty is what completes and binds Mr.
           fully. Because of Mr. Brooks, I have tremendously   Brooks’ character traits together. If you were to ask
           increased in wisdom not only in the Scriptures but also   for Mr. Brook’s opinion on something, he would give
           in life.                                            you an honest answer. If he doesn’t have an answer

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