Page 34 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2025 - Online Magazine
P. 34




         Her Calling

             Ellen Spoon

          by Teri Henderson, Secretary, Lubbock Area Square and Round Dance Federation

                                                                when asked many years ago by her caller friend, Hap
                                                                Pope, to teach lessons.

                                                                Although mobility limits her to calling nowadays, she
                                                                relishes the activity. Not being able to participate in the
                                                                actual dancing is difficult, but that hasn’t stopped the
                                                                great-grandmother from being a driving force in the
                                                                local dance associations. She is currently the caller for
                                                                Diamond Plus Dancers, Lone Star Promenaders, and
                                                                Club A in Lubbock. She is the Elected State Delegate for
                                                                the Lubbock Area Square and Round Dance Federation.
                                                                She teaches square dance lessons or assists in teaching,
                                                                depending on the session.

                                                                In her off-time, Ellen even designs her own
                                                                choreography. Calling a tip involves doing a patter
                                                                call and a singing call. The patter call is often danced
                                                                to a caller’s own choreography. Coming up with new
                                                                choreography is time-consuming, but Ellen is both
                                                                talented and creative.
                  hen asked why she started square dancing,
                  Ellen Spoon said, “So some people would stop   Her most notable calling experience was at the Texas
         Wasking me. I went once and was stuck.” This is        State Square and Round Dance Convention in Lubbock
         the response many square dancers might give you, but   in 1978, in the popular Main Room, but she once called
         we are happy in our “stuckness.”                       at a dance hall where they chased bats out before the
                                                                dance could start. She has called in a swimming pool
         Square dancers could not dance without callers. They   and in a river. Dancers and callers will dance just about
         are the people who give direction to the dancers, and   anywhere.
         Ellen Spoon is a time-tested top-notch caller. She has
         been giving those directions for close to 50 years.    Promoting square dancing is a full-time job with little
         The octogenarian from Tularosa, NM, started calling    financial reward, but it offers much in the way of life

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