Page 41 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2025 - Online Magazine
P. 41
Jesus, Son of Man
by Chip Polk
ome years ago, standing on times in His early life, looking out The play captures that vision of
a hill outside Nazareth, I across toward the broad expanse of Jesus at eleven, at sixteen, and
Shad a profound experience. the valley below, and pouring out at thirty, as He grows in His
Members of our group, mainly His heart to His Father in Heaven. understanding of who He really is,
friends and family from our what He must do, and why. Jesus
Ragtown community, were Over the years, as Jesus was at different ages will be portrayed
scattered out across an area near growing in wisdom and by three very talented young
the brow of the hill. It is a place knowledge, preparing Himself for actors, Orynn Anciso, Cayson
noteworthy in the Bible, because the rigors of the task awaiting Him, Smith, and Chris Smith. All three
it is where the people of Nazareth how many times had He stood on are gifted singers as well. Music is
took Jesus, intending to throw that spot and prayed? I was more an important element of this show.
Him off the bluff and stone Him to emotionally moved by that place
death. than most sites we visited, though Even though this story depicts a
it was nothing more than a rock- part of His life we know almost
The site of that event was not strewn hillside. nothing about from the Bible,
what had such an impact on me. it presents a compelling and
What struck me, standing there, It inspired a song called “Hands of revealing portrait of the person
looking across the Jezreel Valley, a Carpenter,” but there was more and promise of Jesus, as revealed
was the almost certainty that I was there than I could tell in a song. It through Scripture in both the Old
standing in a place where Jesus took a long time to germinate, but and New Testaments.
had stood, perhaps at eleven years in March and April at Ragtown
old, or at sixteen, or even at thirty. Gospel Theater, we’re presenting Performances will be Saturdays,
I envisioned Him climbing to the the rest of the story in a new play… March 1st through April 26th.
seclusion of that hilltop many Jesus, Son of Man.
Lubbock Senior Link 41