Page 43 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2025 - Online Magazine
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Ethan Dugger is a senior at Southcrest Christian School. He likes playing the guitar and
making/drinking coffee. He will be attending Northwest University in Seattle to pursue
a career in the music industry.
Mr. Brooks has changed my life in countless ways. I am
stronger in my faith than I have ever been; I urge people
to research and read for themselves; and I always try to
guide others to Christ and to what the Bible says. His
example of being a Christian is among the best I have
encountered. Mr. Brooks exemplifies Christ through his
wisdom, authority, directness, and honesty—all traits
of Jesus. His life, devoted to serving Christ, has been an
incredible blessing for many. If there is one thing Mr.
Brooks wants others to remember, it is this, “The best
evidence for Christ is a changed life.”
Pre-k-12th Grade
or opinion, he will tell you; he often might lead you to
sources that have the answers you are looking for. In the
past, I sometimes pretended like I knew about a certain
topic or had an opinion on something when I had no
clue what I was talking about. Looking back, I would
have saved much confusion had I just said, “I don’t know
what that is, could you tell me about it?” Mr. Brooks
has faced scrutiny from some students after speaking
honestly, however, he has used that to his advantage
to teach us about hearing things you don’t like. Often, For more info about SCS
people appreciate your honesty until you are honest with or to schedule a tour, visit:
them. Honesty is a difficult trait to exhibit because of
its potential consequences, but Proverbs 11:3 says, “The
integrity of the upright guides them, but the unfaithful
are destroyed by their duplicity.”
Lubbock Senior Link 43