Page 99 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2024 - Online Magazine
P. 99

– 'If you got the blood, I got the
                                                                                   guts'. How important were the
                                                                                   truck drivers to the war effort in
                                                                                   Europe?  One armored division
                                                                                   commander said, “The Black
                                                                                   drivers delivered gas under
                                                                                   constant fire.  I wouldn’t want
                                                                                   their job.  They delivered in the
                                                                                   heat of battle.  We were in our
                                                                                   tanks praying for them to come
             back to where our company was      but the Germans knocked out the    up.”  General Patton, who was
             to deliver fuel, but they were no   bridge.  We had to wait until our   always racing ahead of his supply
             longer there. I followed a truck   engineers built a pontoon bridge   lines, concluded that “the 2
             that came by to another outfit,    across the river.  Driving across, I   ½-ton truck is our most valuable
             and the First Sergeant there said,   had two tanks in front of me and   weapon.”  As for W.E., he was
             ‘Stay here for the night', so we   water was running through my       awarded four bronze star medals
             did.  I finally found the company   truck. I wasn’t sure I was going to   for his service: “one for France,
             the next day. We drove day and     make it across."                   one for Belgium, one for Holland,
             night to deliver supplies.  We                                        and one for Germany.”  He was
             would use cat-eye lights at night.    “I remember getting a glimpse   also awarded the WWII Victory
             You could only see about 20 feet   of old General (George S. Patton)   and Good Conduct medals.
             in front of you. Later, we were    in Nuremberg.  The troops used     “I was in Brussels, Belgium,
             ready to cross the Rhine (River),   to call him ‘old blood and guts’   when a captain said that the war

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