Page 102 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2024 - Online Magazine
P. 102

Ralph Langley                        Sarge “Baby Face”


                                                               by Ted Wilson

                                                Ralph playing Taps

               Ralph and Janice
                                               injured. Perhaps that experience   Palmer at Scoggin-Dickey, who
                  etired Sergeant First Class,   helped propel Ralph into service   encouraged him to join the Texas
                  Ralph Langley, is a veteran   for his community, state, and    National Guard. At the same
            Rwho has served our nation         country.                          time, he worked with his dad in
            and state in three different armed                                   the construction business. After a
            services for nearly three decades.   After graduation, Ralph enlisted   couple of years, Ralph realized it
            And alongside his service, he      in the Navy in 1973, with a friend   wasn’t a good fit, so he followed
            has experienced some interesting   who wanted to join; their basic   other endeavors while in the
            sidelines.                         training was at San Diego. It was   Guard.
                                               in the Navy where Ralph learned
            Ralph was born in Lockney,         to cook. After that two-year      Ralph had three children in his
            Texas to Ralph and Pat Langley     enlistment was up, Ralph joined   first marriage. Son Sean was
            and lived there until he was       the Army.                         killed in a car wreck in 2011. In
            eight. The family moved to                                           1993, Ralph married Janice at the
            Plainview, then to Lubbock,        He began as an 11B, training in   Grand Ole Opry in Nashville;
            where Ralph graduated from         weaponry, but when the Army       they had one son. Janice worked
            Monterey High School. His          found out Ralph could cook,       as a counselor at the Wheeler
            dad served in the artillery in     he was sent to cooking school.    Unit in Plainview while it was a
            the Army in 1953 in Pittsburgh,    “The cooks had over a thousand    drug and alcohol rehabilitation
            Pennsylvania. After enlistment,    recipe cards,” and he cooked      facility. Between them, they have
            the older Ralph worked in          for many high-ranking officers.   eleven grandchildren and two
            construction for Tusha Buildings.   Apparently, the food was good    great grandchildren.
            They built the Plainview Country   because his own children would
            Club and Lubbock’s Trinity         often ask, “Dad, bring home an    An interesting sidenote to
            Church, among other projects.      MRE (meal ready to eat).”         Ralph’s story began while he
                                                                                 was on the wrestling team at
            May 11, 1970, is an infamous       Ralph served in the Army for      Lubbock High School. Through
            date  for Lubbock residents.       three years. In 1975, he married.   one of his dad’s construction
            When three tornados converged      Unfortunately, his wife didn’t    jobs, Ralph met some famous
            and devastated a large area        like military life, and the       pro wrestlers of the 60s and 70s:
            of the city, Ralph’s mother, a     marriage dissolved. After he      Dory and Terry Funk, Rapid
            nurse, enlisted her son, Ralph, a   served his three-year enlistment   Ricky Romero, and the Von
            Boy Scout, to help bandage the     in the Army, Ralph bought a       Erichs. He was shown some of
                                               vehicle from Captain Kenny

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